
From Graal Bible


  • June 9th - Combat System Released!

You are now able to duel players one-on-one on Project Mythic. Want to try it out yourself?

1) Create a new character and login with it. 2) Find a suiting victim, then say /duel <charactername> (ie. /duel Ziro) 3) Wait for the player to accept your duel request. Note: if it's not accepted within 60 seconds your request will time out.

We're also still hiring interested level makers and pixel artists, poke me xXziroXx (Ziro) in-game!

  • June 7th - Zone Plasma Chaingun

Screenshot plasmachaingun2.png

Hightech in your hands: the new Plasma Chaingun shoots a stream of powerful plasma bullets, works with any class and requires less reloads than the metal chaingun. Now available in the Zone Shop.

  • June 1st - Zone Red Pistols Events

This Sunday, Zone will have an event hosted on Deathmatch for Redpistoles. Zone will also have an event hosted for Redpistoles, and the exact event type and location have not been decided. The general time will be 18:00 server time through 21:00 server time. Don't forget the progress on Zone Debug, the Bunker map could be out soon!

NataxowithRP2.PNG Nataxo with redpistoles.