
From Graal Bible


  • June 29th - New trading cards!

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New effects and a brand new pets system are waiting for you to be discovered. Collect the new trading cards, find a full set and unlock several new effects that make you look better or get one of the pets which work on any Graal server. Following the successful launch of the first trading cards in December 2007 we are again giving prizes to the first players who collect a full card set. Between the first 3 players who collect a full set we will randomly choose one player to win a Wii game console. This time it will be more challenging, with several rare pets and a total of 18 sets to collect.

You get the new trading cards by buying "Random Cards" in the in-game shop window. Beside trading cards you can also win tombola cards which let you participate in a tombola at the end of the summer (September) to win another Wii game console! The prizes are sponsored by Ticketsurf, a new payment method available for Graal players in Canada, France, Belgium, Switzerland, Brazil and more.

Existing cards (marked with 'available only this winter') will be converted to the new card system and can be used for another 2 weeks.

  • June 28th - Silence is hiring!


Silence is now opened to public with several releases to come soon. But Silence needs you, the graal community to be accomplished and become a great server. Within the RPG, Fantasy theme has to be added.

We'r hiring:

  • -Scripters.
  • -SFX (Sounds): If you are able to make your own sounds, tell us about it !
  • -GATs: In fact, the tileset is almost done, but needs some more help to be

colorful and represent a world full of life, but with sadness at the same time.

Log in to Silence now, and become part of the next generation of RPG/Fantasy themed Graal playerworld !

Silence's official box: [email protected]

Silence awaits you.

  • June 28-29th - Zone Events

Screenshot riflerace.png Last weekend Jasper and Jurre won the Snowrace tournament and received red and blue rifles. New events:

Saturday, June 28th 19:00 Servertime (1:00 PM EST) - Hosted by Ravenblade1979 Redpistole Event! "Event type to be decided"

Also that day, 22:00 Servertime (4:00 PM EST) - Hosted by Tenchry_P2P Redpistole Event! "Event type to be decided"

Sunday, June 29th, "Time to be Decided" - Hosted by jkool666 (unless decided otherwise) Golden Weapon Event! Deathmatch, Useable Weapons: Appirces, ApRipper, Magnum, Muramasa

  • June 27th - New Forest Island Released

Forest has been busy planting trees and moving entire towns. Baleron and Avanik was moved, a good time to explore somtething new. The rest of the cities were redesigned a bit to be more accessible. Quite a few changes to the kingdom island as well, some of these changes will allow you to swim to the smaller island. New walled city with gates for a new touch as well, with places for player houses in the city. Now forest members can be a true city dweller. We haven't forgotten about those that just like to be out in the trrees either. Several locations along various roads should look very nice for a few houses here and there.

  • June 23rd - 'New clothing system on GK - GFX Contest

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Today we updated the clothing system on Graal Kingdoms. Now you are able to carry your favourite outfits with you. So you can save the time running the the clothing shop. But you have to craft these outfits now, there isn't just plat you need. Don't worry, there are just basic items like cloth, skin, coal and so on needed in order to craft your favourite items. We are also able to give out clothing in a limited number now. This means there are more exotic clothings you can win in events, find randomly on the map, trade with them or just show what you've got.

Along with this update we started a graphics contest you can take part in. The graphics of the winners are going to be used for the first collection of limited clothing. All other graphics will be public to everyone every time. Url:

  • June 22nd - New town on Zormite released

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Out of a travelers dairy: "I felt how the earth below my feet was slowly starting to move. Something was different on my travel through the land of Zormite today. Then suddenly there ground opened just a half mile in font of me and a big dust cloud came up. I started to run there and as I almost reached the coast on the west the dust was fading away. I couldn't belive my eyes but there it was.. a big sign with a name on it 'Vateril'. Everything was looking nice around there. The town had a mill, a well, a bakery and other shops but there was something strange. It was the house of Zohaun's brother the blacksmith. It looked different somehow in a good way. I was wondering if this blacksmith was able to craft some special weapons in the near future."

  • June 21st - New Governor of the Crescent Pirates


A new Governor of the Crescent Pirates was announced by Governor Felix Lionheart upon his retirement. The new Governor of the Crescent Pirates would be none other than Paul Cypher, a fearless pirate and a great leader. Congratulations Paul!

  • June 15th - GK Summer 2008


School's out, it's summer time, and Graal Kingdoms is waiting for your arrival. Trade items with other players, enjoy many events, level yourself above the rest, and manifest your own destiny on this medieval themed server. Raise your very own pets, learn spells, and help prevent the evil of the Bomy moon from enveloping our world!

We hope to see you there!

  • June 13th - New Subscription System

We are introducing a new more flexible subscription system - you get a starter pack with your subscription, and you can pause your subscription:

Euro conversion

Right now we are losing an incredible amount of money each month just for currency conversion. That's why we have decided to switch the billing system completely to Euro. We know that odd Dollar numbers on the bill (like .37) might be confusing, but we hope that you understand this step. At the same time we lower the Euro prices so that the actual difference between old and new amount will not be too huge. So depending on where you come from and what you want to buy, some prices might be slightly higher or lower. On the subscription page you can easily convert the amount to your local currency.

New subscription system

We have changed the subscription system to be based on Gelats. That means you buy an amount of Gelats on the website, and then subscribe directly in the game using the Shop window. The subscription system has been simplified: we again only offer one Gold subscription which works for any current server (Zone, Kingdoms, Classic, under construction and hosted playerworlds). The price is in the middle of old single server subscription and gold bundle: you subscribe and then pay 300 Gelats each month.

Free starter pack

When you buy a subscription or gelat pack on the website then you get an additional starter pack for free. The starter pack includes items for Zone, Kingdoms, Unholy Nation, Zodiac and Era and makes the life for new players easier.

Flexible subscriptions

The subscription system is now much more flexible. First you don't need to subscribe for 12 months upfront: you can subscribe one month, then pause and continue later with your remaining Gelats. You will get an e-mail notification when your subscription is near the end and there are not enough Gelats on your account.

  • June 9th - Project Mythic: Combat System Released!

You are now able to duel players one-on-one on Project Mythic. Want to try it out yourself?

1) Create a new character and login with it.

2) Find a suiting victim, then say /duel <charactername> (ie. /duel Ziro)

3) Wait for the player to accept your duel request. Note: if it's not accepted within 60 seconds your request will time out.

We're also still hiring interested level makers and pixel artists, poke me xXziroXx (Ziro) in-game!

  • June 7th - Zone Plasma Chaingun

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Hightech in your hands: the new Plasma Chaingun shoots a stream of powerful plasma bullets, works with any class and requires less reloads than the metal chaingun. Now available in the Zone Shop.

  • June 1st - Zone Red Pistols Events

This Sunday, Zone will have an event hosted on Deathmatch for Redpistoles. Zone will also have an event hosted for Redpistoles, and the exact event type and location have not been decided. The general time will be 18:00 server time through 21:00 server time. Don't forget the progress on Zone Debug, the Bunker map could be out soon!

NataxowithRP2.PNG Nataxo with redpistoles.