From Graal Bible
Inherits GuiControl.
This is basicly a wrapper around TShowImg for displaying all kind of Graal content inside the GUI, including animations (ganis) and particle effects.
Name | Type | Description |
alpha | float | |
ani | string | |
attachoffset | string | |
attachtoowner | boolean | |
blue | float | |
code | string | the old representation as 'font@style@text' |
dimension | integer | |
dir | integer | |
emitter | object (read only) | |
eulerrotation | string | |
font | string | |
green | float | |
image | string | |
imageindex | integer (read only) | |
layer | integer | |
mode | integer | the image drawing mode (0 - add, 1 - transparent, 2 - subtract, 3 - daynight) |
offsetx | integer | |
offsety | integer | |
playerlook | boolean | if the animation should take it's head, body, sword, shield and attr[] from the owner (playerlook), set this to false if you want to set the images yourself by changing etc. |
polygon | object | |
red | float | |
rotation | float | |
shadowcolor | string | of format {red,green,blue}, used in combination with textshadow=true |
shadowoffset | string | of format {offsetx,offsety}, used in combination with textshadow=true |
shape | string | |
showimg | object | the actual TShowImg object which contains all the logic |
stretchx | float | |
stretchy | float | |
style | string | |
text | string | |
textshadow | boolean | enables shadow |
x | float | |
y | float | |
zoom | float |
new GuiShowImgCtrl("Test_ShowImg") { x = 10; y = 10; width = 60; height = 60; ani = "walk"; }