
From Graal Bible
Revision as of 09:51, 29 May 2006 by XXziroXx (talk | contribs)
  GuiControlProfile (TGraalVar):
    align - string - "left", "center" or "right"
    autosizeheight - boolean
    autosizewidth - boolean
    bitmap - string
    border - integer
    bordercolor - string
    bordercolorhl - string
    bordercolorna - string
    borderthickness - integer
    cankeyfocus - boolean
    cursorcolor - string
    fillcolor - string
    fillcolorhl - string
    fillcolorna - string
    fontcolor - string
    fontcolorhl - string
    fontcolorlink - string
    fontcolorlinkhl - string
    fontcolorna - string
    fontcolorsel - string
    fontsize - integer
    fontstyle - string
    fonttype - string
    justify - string - the same like "align"
    linespacing - integer
    modal - boolean
    mouseoverselected - boolean
    numbersonly - boolean
    opaque - boolean
    returntab - boolean
    soundbuttondown - string
    soundbuttonover - string
    tab - boolean
    textoffset - string
    transparency - float