
From Graal Bible
Revision as of 19:08, 27 January 2006 by Rick (talk | contribs)

Generally directors will not reply as they are busy with duties, which is why you should contact admins or the separate divisions related to your problem (e.g: GST for NPC-Server issues)

All staff listed, except the Kingdoms staff, Zone staff and Super Moderators are Graalonline Global Admins, with a Global RC.

Managing Director

Technical Director

  • Stefan
    • Forum PM: Stefan
    • Deals with extreme playerworld issues/in-game bugs/game development.

Account Support

Use the Support Center for help.

Global Guild Administrator

Playerworld Administration

Global Scripting Team

  • Lance
    • Forum PM: Lance
    • Email: [email protected]
    • Deals with scripting issues, scripting inspections, scripting advice, and general issues.
  • CheeToS
    • AIM: Cheetah643
    • Deals with scripting issues, scripting advice, and general issues.
    • Forum PM: CheeToS2
  • Jagen
    • Forum PM: Python523
    • Deals with scripting issues and scripting advice.

Graal Kingdoms Administration

General Questions/Player Relations

Super Moderators