User:Zero Hour

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Zero Hour

Stephen Arsenault A.K.A. Zero Hour (-=Zero Hour=-)

Stephen started playing graal in early 1998, when V1.39 was released. Since then he's been staff on various players worlds, and a fist full of gold servers. While one may view Stephen as a relatively dull member of the Graal Community he makes up for it with decent graphical skills. What he lacks in graphics he makes up for in repartee.

While you will usually find Stephen trolling the Graal Forums, you may also find him on Graal Kingdoms, or Grall Kingdoms Debug.

Stephen went through a series of accounts before he finally settled down with "Zero Hour". His first account was "Jesu_U" which was useless to him when the only server he played, Classic, went "Classic". After this his friend Rasputin delivered another account, MarcoR, which he eagerly used for approximately 2 years before the original owner... "Marco R." wanted it back. While this made very little sense, and made him very angry he was forced to return the account... but not before holding the forum's part hostage! Finally, after this was over he had his current manager, MarkB, on Archaic (playerworld) create for him the account "ZER0_H0UR". Finally, when he had some money and grew tired of his childish account name he switched over to the more classy "Zero Hour".

While Stephen isn't a very serious Graal Community member, he's a serious person (or atleast would like to consider himself one). He currently polices Graal Kingdoms and creates graphics on Graal Kingdoms Debug Server, while hassling the admins.