
From Graal Bible
This article is biographical in nature and is intended to provide information about a player of Graal. It is likely to have been written by the player himself or another player, so expect some degree of bias. If you have something to add then please feel free to contribute it, but try to keep all content fair and do your best to ensure that your additions are not offensive or unreasonable. If you wish to discuss opinions about this player, use this player's Talk page.

"You wouldn't understand, my mind is too complicated"-me

Falco10291029-started as the worst and most annoying gscript noob there was, became one of the most annoying gscript sufficient players there was, and then quit from frusteration.

Scripting History

Originally began fooling around with the offline editor, making baddies and such, when he saw the create npc command. Interested, he clicked it, and began looking through the commands on the right side. Selecting a few to elarn, he began making some low quality npcs to fool around with, starting with such things as a room where you have to touch the right arrow shooting block to open a door, and then sword your wway through the blocking wall.

As he became better, he made a tiny offline game, which didn't yet use custom weapons, and used only basic graal functions. Later, as he learned more, he started making a 3 chapter offline game, which was fairly advanced for his scripting age, yet he decided not to released the overall bugged and unfinished game to the public.

Later, he got a scripting job at Toratasu online, where he gained a long lasting friend on graal, Nitro2030ce. There he became very good with clientside, and first learned about serversiude and began dabbling with it (mostly unsuccessfully). He designed half a dozen weapons and a prototype monster before being fired and banned by Hotrian for reasons unknown.

After that he went to playerworld Eternal, where he tried and failed to get a job there, since the admin wanted only people fluent with serverside. Offline, he dabbled and eventually learned the right formats for serverside, with that same admin's help.

He still wasn't considered good enough however, so he began working on an offline project that he, his brother, and Nitro were goign to turn into a playerworld. Elemental Kingdoms was created. Low content at first, it quickly grew into a playable server, and was on the hosted tab before the switch to GS2 which led to EK's abandonment (long, painful story). There he developed many scripting skills and got to where he is today (with minimal help from forums and Projectshifter). However, he has recently quit graal and thus his skills with gscript will most likely deteriorate.


Currently , Falco has managed to piss off and annoy about thirty people. Falco has had many arguments with Kaimetsu, all ending with either Falco giving up on shorter arguments, or a mod closing longer ones. Falco doesn't post on the forums much anymore though.

Staff Positions

Was admin at Lenok, and was Owner of Elemental Kingdoms.


AIM:Falco1029, but dont bug him about graal-related things anymore

Forums and account for graal: Falco10291029, though he wont check pms there except maybe once a year

MSN Messenger: [email protected], and see AIM.