Particle Engine
From Graal Bible
delaymin - Minimum time befor another particle is emitted delaymax - Maximum time befor another particle is emitted nrofparticles - Number of particles to release at once firstinfront - Tells whether particles drawn after the first particle should draw on top or below the first attachposition - Tells whether or not x/y position of particles is relative to the position of the emitter emissionoffset - How far away from the emitter (or the level if attachposition=false) to emit particles. Format: {x,y,z} particle lifetime - Time (in seconds) before a particle is hidden image - Image to use for the particle mode - Drawing mode of the image. (0 = add, 1 = replace, 2 = subtract) See changeimgmode alpha - Alpha transparency of a particle (0 = invisible, 1 = opaque) zoom - Zoomfactor of a particle angle - Angle the particle should move at zangle - Height angle of the particle speed - How many pixels the particle should move (every .05 seconds) rotation - How much to rotate the image spin - How many times the particle should spin before it is destroyed stretchx - How much to stretch the particle image horizontally stretchy - How much to stretch the particle image vertically red, green, blue - Used to change color of particle movementvector - Unknown (format is {float,float,float}) Parameters: First - Affects distance east Second - Affects distance south Third - Affects distance north addlocalmodifier("string",float,float,"string","string",float,float) Parameters: First - Tells when to do an action once - Do it once range - Do the action during the range of time param2-param3 impulse - Do it randomly Second - Tells the minimum time to wait before doing an action (except for 'range') Third - Tells the maximum time to wait before doing an action (except for 'range') Fourth - Tells what action to perform Everything under "particle" except for image can be changed x - x position of the particle y - y position of the particle Fifth - Tells what to do with parameters 6 and 7 add - Add the amount (use negatives to subtract) replace - Set a new amount multiply - Multiply the amount (use negatives to divide) Sixth - Minimum amount Seventh - Maximum amount addglobalmodifier() - Same as addlocalmodifier, except it affects all particles at once addemitmodifier() - Same as addlocalmodifier, except it affects all particles the emitter emits addmod() - Used in conjunction with addlocalmodifier, same parameters except no parameters 1-3 emit() - Begin emitting particles maxparticles - Maximum number of particles that can exist at once currentparticlecount - Current number of particles that exist emittedparticles - Total number of particles that have been emitted autorotation - Unknown (boolean) checkbelowterrain - If true, the particle will be destroyed if it falls below the terrain height (0 for GMaps) clippingbox - Format of {x1,y1,z1,x2,y2,z2}, particles that leave this box will be destroyed