Creation/Dev/NPC weapon

From Graal Bible
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An NPC that is a weapon(WNPC). Weapons are carried with the player in an inventory, so the scripts are accessible and functioning no matter what level they are in. WNPC scripts are used for a variety of things -- weapons that are fired, control systems(movement, custom displays), and simply a visual representation of an inventory item.

Insert non-formatted text hereInsert non-formatted text hereInsert non-formatted text hereLink titlewizill=== Default Prefixes ===

Prefix Usage
* Disables the ability for the player to delete the weapon
- Hides the weapon in the inventory.
xxx/ Stores the weapon in an bag(name = xxx) in the inventory, for better organization.

With custom weapon and inventory systems being more frequent, many have made their own prefixes and organization standards.