
From Graal Bible

GoZelda (alias: Cyrin) is a prominent member of the GraalOnline community. He is extremely active on the Graalonline Communication Center. His activity on most of the Graal servers is very low and he hasn't upgraded to VIP/Gold recently.


GoZelda is one of the most important trolls on the Graalonline forums since the departure of Legobomb. He is a member of the pluffy gang and of the rebels. He has been owning the moderators of the kingdom forums terribly much in debates recently. He thinks Falco is a moron and many agree with him. GoZelda was the Undead Vampire Lord of #gscript until he demanded of Loriel to kick him who mistook it for banning him.

Contributions to GraalOnline

Here's a list of contributions Cyrin made to the GO community:
The Stormy Moon - Graal Kingdoms RPing dedicated website
Graal Editor (possibly down) - Scripting dedicated website
Scripting Tutorial & Minigames - Browse the GO forums for these
Crono's Birthday Comic - Browse GO forums for this

Staff Positions

Cyrin has held several staff positions on several playerworlds which all failed.


Cyrin can be contacted by the following means: AIM: cyrigorn MSN: [email protected]


Here's a list of friends/people who GoZelda thinks are cool: Crono Loriel Zurkiba Kaimetsu Argo Kamuii Ben Rain LordZen Legobomb Googi Aethorpe Zurkiba Clash

More people to come.