
From Graal Bible
Revision as of 00:32, 28 December 2004 by (talk)
This article is biographical in nature and is intended to provide information about a player of Graal. It is likely to have been written by the player himself or another player, so expect some degree of bias. If you have something to add then please feel free to contribute it, but try to keep all content fair and do your best to ensure that your additions are not offensive or unreasonable. If you wish to discuss opinions about this player, use this player's Talk page.

Gryffon Raku Lawrene Paparatski Raphael Raziel Rhodus Rhone Maha Raaj d'Obsydyon Kasandros Anlumen Crecendo Glaive Sebastien Elliott Durime aka Gryffon is a medium-low level RP-maniac with a penchant for going on long tangents about his love and desire for any and all forms of magic, magick, the occult, the arcane, the divine, the mystic, the weirding, forsight, premonition, telekenesis, runic galdur magic, or conjuring forth demonic piggies from the ninth circle of Hell. He also enjoys drag racing, light opera, and questing for the one episode of Daria he has been unable to locate.


Gryffon is not exactly well known around the areas of Graal, but he has his circle, mostly those who have played Graal 2001 near the launch of Graal Kingdoms, and anyone who has been in Dustari long enough to know Baritol from Torub. He is a moderator of the Graal Communication Center's GCC:Graal2001 kingdoms subforum, which basically means he has access to the Moderators' Sandbox while needing to do very little moderating work. This arrangement seems to work well enough for Gryffon, though he sometimes wishes he could get a little more attention, in order to draw light to the causes he believes need attention.

Development Areas

Gryffon's scripting is nonexistant, his levels unskilled and unpolished, his graphics steadily improving but still total rubbish. However, Gryffon is an exquisite story designer, specializing in highly detailed world scenarios. He can rattle off to you the natural and social laws of an imaginary world he just made up that can teeter on the levels of Tolkein and Nix, define esoteric aspects, develop cultures, and plan cities all in a week, and then move on to a brand new world the next.

Staff Positions

Currently, Gryffon is the Kingdoms Administrator of Graal 2001 and its Project Manager (emphasis on Project, not Manager); Project Manager and RP Administrator of an Something Else*, Events Master of Graal Kingdoms, and moderator on the Graal Communication Center.

Past employment, though transient, has included Story Developer of Angel's Server, and Scenario Designer for Symphony and its later incarnation, Project iGraal.


  • AIM: CrecendoGlaive
  • Email: at
  • Astral Telepathy: I'm the crazy ass phoenix shaped aura glowing with an unholy might that will reach out and smite the world and all who commit the cardinal sin of stupidity. Can't miss me. Though many have tried.