
From Graal Bible

Release date

October 5th 2007 for Windows and Linux

New features

Video Capturing

  • supports compression:
    • in the options select the compression format and bit rate
    • available formats are mpeg4, wmv (Windows Media) and flv (Flash Video)
    • it is automatically downloading the required compression libraries on login
    • this usually speeds up the video capture since it doesn't need to write a lot of data to hard-drive
    • if you want to upload a video to youtube or other video services then choose a better quality since those websites often recompress the video and so lose some quality
    • Flash videos currently don't contain sound
  • fixed a bug that crashed the client when recording a video in full window size and later with "follow player" or "follow mouse"
  • capturing the picture from the screen has been speed up
  • fixed crashing when taking a screenshot on Linux/Mac/Graal3D on some graphics cards


  • GuiMLTextCtrl:
    • fixed getline(linenumber)
    • added support for <br clear=all> (formerly only possible with non-html tag <sbreak>), you can also use clear=left (identical to "all" right now)
    • new option "tabspaces" for specifying how many spaces are inserted when the user presses the tab-key; by default the tab key is ignored
    • new option "autoindenting" true or false - when pressing the return key, then it's automatically inserting the same number of spaces in front of the new line as in the previous line
  • GuiWindowCtrl:
    • displays hints "Close", "Minimize" and "Maximize" when moving the mouse over the window buttons
    • when using gui styles it is making sure that only buttons are displayed which are supported by Graal, except advertising buttons (with html link) which are drawn but only if they don't overlap the window title
  • GuiFlash:
    • when using the flash plugin it is automatically detecting if another Graal window is overlapping the plugin and is hiding it
    • this behaviour can be customized:
    • hideonoverlap: true/false, default true
    • messageonoverlap: default empty


  • you can use "\r" to specify the carriage-return character (sometimes required for sockets/code handling HTTP), this is identical to char(13)
  • new script functions for sound:
    • getMusicFilename() - returns the currently played music
    • isMusicPlaying() - checks if the music is currently played (might already be over if played non-looped)
  • increased the speed of the particle engine


  • Windows graphics:
    • support for alpha channel in icons/drawing panels (e.g. on the serverlist)
  • full support for displaying 3D objects in 2D environment:
    • switchToOpenGL() to switch to the 3D mode
    • set showimg.shape to a 3D shape file, currently supported are 3ds, dts and ft
    • you can then manipulate the object by accessing showimg.shapeobject
    • supports soft shadow and lighting

Bug Fixes

  • Graphics:
    • Linux:
      • when Graal cannot initialize OpenGL then it's displaying an error window instead of crashing
    • Windows:
      • fixed some animated images where it was only drawing part of the image
      • fixed text drawing on Skill Games (text inside GuiStretchCtrl)
      • fixed some problems with gray background on icons/drawing panels
  • Scripting:
    • fixed objects using a fixed gani frame (mygani[1]), it was resetting to frame 0 if the gani was not existing yet
    • fixed a bug with ships or similar on servers that use the default movement: when the player was attached to an object (ship or train or similar) then it was still checking for map links and was warping the player to wrong positions