
From Graal Bible

Generally directors will not reply as they are busy with duties, which is why you should contact admins or the separate divisions related to your problem (e.g: GST for NPC-Server issues)

All staff listed, except the Kingdoms staff, Zone staff and Super Moderators are Graalonline Global Admins, with a Global RC.

Managing Director

Technical Director

  • Stefan
    • Deals with extreme playerworld issues/in-game bugs/game development.
    • Forum PM: Stefan

Account Support

Use the Support Center for help.

Global Guild Administrator

Use the Support Center for help.

Playerworld Administration

You can also use the Support Center for help.

Global Scripting Team

  • Skyld
    • Deals with scripting issues, scripting inspections, scripting advice, and general issues.
    • Forum PM: Skyld
  • CheeToS
    • Deals with scripting issues, scripting advice, and general issues.
    • AIM: Cheetah643
    • Forum PM: CheeToS2
  • Jagen
    • Deals with scripting issues and scripting advice.
    • Forum PM: Python523

Graal Kingdoms Administration

  • Sam
    • Forum PM: Sam
  • Yann (Police)
    • Forum PM: Cruchot

Zone Staff Team

  • Vulcan (account Vulcan)
    • Forum PM: Vulcan

Use the Support Center for help.

Forum Super Moderators