
From Graal Bible
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A poster for a very short time, in the matter of 10 minutes or so on the Graal Communication Center. After posting a few, rather annoying threads that had well-known common sense terms that a Server Manager should know.

Forums he had posted

The first one was a decent question.

"I want to change the NPC server name to to NPC-Server (paused) how do i do it?"

Well, first of all, you cannot add a guild to the NPCServer's Nickname, since it already posesses the "Guild" (Server). Second of all, It is listed in the NPCServer options "nickname=".

Now, the next thread, was very odd.

The Title: What if...

So, the topic has me intrested... Wonder what he's got up his sleeve?

He posts: "If the owner of graal ruled the world.... what would the world be like?"

Now, most people would proably call him n00b and other insulting things. Though this thread is quite odd, I posted:

"....what if you stopped spamming?

and if Unix ruled the world, we would be in danger ;P"

Now, the last thread really got on my nerves for one reason or another.

He goes into the forum I moderate (Playerworld Staff Openings) and posts the thread "Co-Manager looking for a job."

I think, what labels him as Co Manager so instantly? Now, I should have added this to the forum rules before, but nobody should ask if a server is hiring..because if they are, common sense they would make a thread. Closed instantly.

But WAIT!? I thought he had a server, according to his first thread. What is going on? We will never know probably.

The End

After reading comments from fellow forum members, he decides to make a goodbye thread:

"It seems you people hate me. All I Try to do is contribute. I post imporant threads and ask for server help.

I see how graal is.


Account For Sale... Contact: xilemobile (AIM)"

Wow, quite a quick disappearance, and poor guy must have spent a fortune on his server. But wait! He is selling his account? We all know that is quite illegal.

As of now... we wait to see what happens!