
From Graal Bible
Revision as of 22:45, 15 July 2005 by Chad (talk | contribs)
This article is biographical in nature and is intended to provide information about a player of Graal. It is likely to have been written by the player himself or another player, so expect some degree of bias. If you have something to add then please feel free to contribute it, but try to keep all content fair and do your best to ensure that your additions are not offensive or unreasonable. If you wish to discuss opinions about this player, use this player's Talk page.

Community role

Chad has mostly played a back seat role in the actual game community of Graal. He played Classic during the years of 2000-2001, but began to spend much more time on the Graal Communication Center. Recently, he has divulged himself from the forums and hangs around the GScript IRC channel whenever online.
Guilds: #gscript, VIP

Development areas

Being fairly adept at math and physics, Chad has spent a good deal of time applying such topics in GScript. For one reason or another, he still prefers to script offline, but has quit using the .graal format as of late 2004. He has dabbled in graphics and level design, but found little interest in such areas. Because of his enjoyment and ease of adapting to thinking like a programmer, he has decided to try for a career in game development.

Staff positions

Chad does not like to work for servers, but because of his friendly nature he has helped out a little on a few projects, although he will cite different motives for these positions.


Dach - main account (supposed to be "Chad" spelled backwards, but typos happen)
NewbieChad - made for fun, but was upgraded at one point for some reason and is now used for testing (when applicable)


email - [email protected]
AIM - michaelangelo36 (Chad has been known to block people without warning)