
From Graal Bible
Revision as of 13:19, 29 February 2012 by Cyan3 (talk | contribs) (→‎February)


  • February 10th - Graal Kingdoms - Day of the Sun


Every year the Cult of the Sun performs a ritual to bring warmth and life back to the barren, frozen world. Without performing the required rites, the world will be engulfed in an eternal sheet of ice and snow. Also during this time the Sun’s entity, the Bringer of the Sun transcends to earth from the heavens to lead the ritual. For the first half the ritual was carrying on impeccably with no interruptions. In the final moments of the ritual, the Bringer of the Sun is at its most vulnerable state. Nearly completing, we were ambushed by a powerful unknown force. Most of our priests and initiates were slain in an instant. Amidst the chaos, I laid eyes upon a power figure emitting an aura as powerful as the freezing winter itself. That’s when I knew who we were facing; The Vile Ice King and his legion of forgotten frost. The horrendous figure strikes down the Bringer of the sun in one fell swoop. Before losing consciousness, I see the entity taking something from the Bringer of the sun....

The event will run on Saturday, March 3rd between 0000 - 0300 Server Time. For more information please click here

  • February 10th - Era goes Hollywood


A group of Era players have come together to produce a Graal music video specifically for Era players entertainment! However, the project is large and we are looking for willing volunteers to help us in keeping the project on track. If interested please contact Emera, the administrator of the Era sound team at [email protected]. Thank you for all the support given by the Era community and we hope that this project will be a huge success!

  • February 8th - The Global News Team is Hiring!

The Global News Team, responsible for management and production of news throughout the GraalOnline platform, is searching for talented writers to fill positions within the team.

For more details click here.

Good luck!