Worlds/Atlantis English

From Graal Bible
Revision as of 15:22, 6 January 2008 by Iris (talk | contribs)
This article describes one of Graal's many playerworlds. If you have some information about this world's quests, staff, events or content, feel free to contribute to it by clicking the Edit link on the left side. Try to keep your edits as fair and unbiased as possible, though - the GraalBible is primarily for information, not for argument.

Login server atlantis.png

A german playerworld, with RPG elements. You can fight against Monsters and level up your Character, raise your Jobskills or just sit around.



Current Manager: zwr

Can be contacted through:

Atlantis GM: Nitribit

Can be contacted through:

Admin: Enton -Not available at the moment

Can be contacted through:

Admin: Cid

Can be contacted through:


Current Chief: Cid

Can be contacted through:

Current Asst. Chief:: Iris

Current LATs: Lena, Celestrial

Current LAT Cadets: LP!


Current Chief: ---

GFX: Celestrial, Oni

Graalian Police

Current Chief: griffel

Can be contacted through:

Current Captain: Zao Dracono

Current GPs: Cloud, Jana

Das Events Team

Current Chief: Devil Jasra

Can be contacted through:

Current Captain: LP!

Current ETs: Cid

Das FAQ-Team

Current Chief: Devil Jasra

Current Asst. Chief: Steffen Jasra

Current FAQs: Fuma, Destroyer E.
