
From Graal Bible
Revision as of 00:51, 31 January 2010 by Pooper200000 (talk | contribs)

Release date

January 12th 2007 for Windows

January 15th 2007 for Linux

New Features

  • GUI
    • GuiFlash:
      • Improved loading of updated flash files, it displays the loading process
  • Scripting
    • format2(string, array) - formats strings like format(), but accepts the parameters as array instead of normal function parameters
    • format/format2 improvement - you can define the number of the parameter which should be inserted, example: format("%2$s and %1$s","oranges","apples") gives "apples and oranges"

Bug Fixes

  • Crashing
    • Updated sound library which should work better on recent versions of Windows (Vista)
  • Scripting
    • Fixed a security problem with gani scripts (old scripting engine)