Graal Communication Center

From Graal Bible
Revision as of 19:18, 7 September 2009 by Cyan3 (talk | contribs)

The Graal Communication Center (GCC) is the official forum of GraalOnline.


The forum is currently divided into GCC:Sections: the GCC:General Section, GCC:Gold Section, GCC:3D Section, GCC:Playerworlds Section, GCC:Development Section and GCC:Private Section. Each section holds multiple GCC:Subforums.

A oversized moderation force with not equally balanced qualification is moderating the Graal Communication Center. Some GCC:Moderators moderate one or more individual subforums or a whole forum section. Some subforums are not moderated directly, and more interesting ones are overseen by multiple moderators. The most frequent high-level moderators are Sam and Moon Goddess. Moon Goddess is always there, and makes sure her presence is known, while Sam sneaks stealthily in the shadows and ninja-moderates posts and disappears again.


As of July 2008, Unix has opened the forums up to everyone with a subscription including Classic. The forum user-base suggested this for a long time after it was closed to Gold/VIP subscription, but the only reason he listened to this suggestion was because it came from Darlene/Sam.

It is against the GCC:Rules of the forums to post messages from or for non-members of the forums. This is to prevent Account sharing, which was very common in the forum's past and arguably had a negative influence on the motivation to buy a Gold account.


Unsurprisingly, the forums are very biased towards the Graal administration. Sadly, the Forum administration considers it necessary to enforce this bias with rules that make any kind of criticism a banworthy action. Thus, it is not possible to discuss bans, actions of GraalOnline considered harmful or unfair, or shortcomings of the adminstration including Playerworld staff or the Gold servers.

Luckily, the most conservative moderators seem to have grown increasingly ignorant of these issues.
