
From Graal Bible
Revision as of 18:08, 25 March 2009 by Codein (talk | contribs) (New page: Codein is an avid player of Graal and has been playing since the year 2001. More known for developing rather than actually playing, he has built up experience in most areas of development,...)
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Codein is an avid player of Graal and has been playing since the year 2001. More known for developing rather than actually playing, he has built up experience in most areas of development, though still comparitively unknown for it. He is currently developing his joint project with fellow project leader Pimmeh.


Codein has had many aliases. These include:

  • Arphyss
  • Arphocide
  • Dweebite
  • SWiSH
  • Dumaju
  • Codein

Playing History

The first playerworld Codein played was probabaly Unholy Nation but soon was hooked to Graal the Adventure. Codein played GTA for many months until Babylon was released. Babylon soon became Codein's home server, under the aliases 'Arphyss' and 'Arphocide'. Still, to this day, Codein considers it the best server of times gone by. However, after a year of playing Babylon, Codein left Babylon for the start of his big development break, working for Bravo Online.

He currently does not play much anymore, due to enjoying developing far too much but occassionaly plays Zodiac and less-ocassionaly, Unholy Nation.

Development History

Codein's development history spans back to Bravo Online, where he was hired there as an Artist in 2003. As mediocre as he was, he loved working there. Eventually, he was given personal levels and NC access, where he learnt how to design levels and script in GS1. He was probably fired, but the details are blurred.

Codein, after leaving Bravo Online, joined dozens of projects, never finding a happy medium. After a while, he soon decided to make his own server, called Soakath. The graphics were choppy and it only featured one level, but everything was custom made except for the bodies. MysticX2X was his development partner, a partnership which ended bitterly but, thankfully, they are on better terms nowadays.

A new project was soon started, which resulted from boredom. This was called Dual Ortus, which was developed along side Stan. Development went well until personal issues cropped up in Codein's life. Codein's development career went on hiatus for about a year soon afterwards.

Soon after returning to Graal, Codein joined the Quian'Dor project, headed by Pimmeh. This was a complete RP server. The idea was presented that maybe we should make an RPG server, WITH the RPing along side it, so that roleplaying is far more ineractive.

Quian'Dor soon evolved in to Ardeo, hosting a range of features planned. See Ardeo for more information.

Contact Information

MSN: [email protected]
AIM: Corsein
Email: [email protected]


Name Location Position
Ardeo Development Ardeo Co-Owner
Insomnia Development Insomnia NAT Admin

Known Accounts

Name Admin level Account status Banned? Comments
Codein 0/none Gold, Classic Subscription No Primary Account
xXDuMajuXx 0/none Classic Subscription No Old Account