
From Graal Bible



  • March 29th - Zone Bots Events

The Events Team can now spawn bots on any planet, which makes it possible to host fun new events. The bots are fast and can avoid bullets, team play is recommended to beat them!

  • March 23rd - Easter Event - Easterhouse


On easter Graalians had to fight evil egg monsters to get new items and a lot of experience! Thanks to Tig and Stephen who developed the easterhouse for us!

  • March 23rd - Project Mythic: Extended Hirings

After the nice input on the server received by players after opening up the little we have on Project Mythic for the LAT hirings, we've decided to open up a few more spots in the staff team.


We are currently accepting applications for the following:

  • Pixel Artists - Your primary objectives would be to help out with tiles, or character equipments, whichever you prefer.
  • Concept Designer - Have great fantasy? Love to draw, using whatever it may be? We are looking for help with designing a quite large castle town, that can't look too repetitive. Possibly accepting applicants for just equipment designing.
  • Level Maker - Still available spots here.


Oh and, if you can't work in a team, never heard of the GraalEditor, or haven't the slightest clue about what a pixel is - don't bother applying please. Expect the until now delayed PvP duel system to be released within the nearest days as well!

  • March 23rd - Easter Updates

Happy Easter everybody! We have added a Bunny on Zone which you can kill to gain eggs, but which can also kill you! Enjoy the special gifts in the eggs, the new outfits and many more updates to come soon.

Zone easter.png

  • March 15th - Zone Lava Blaster Event

Screenshot lavaevent2.png

New Events: Lava Blaster Event: Try to push the other players into the lava with your blaster! It's a last-man-standing event.

Foot Race Dash: On the snow race map you can now do a dash (like Sonic): Hold S or D, then run and try to avoid hitting walls.

  • March 8th - Project Mythic in need of Level Maker(s)!


Work on Project Mythic, formerly known as Mythic Legends (not the same as the current server with the name though), is moving forward in a fast pace. The server will have some rather 'unique' features, such as:

  • Turn Based Combat
  • Simple, yet effective, NPCs - such as town folks walking around "living their own lives".
  • Dynamic weather, that actually has an effect on the world.

It would be foolish to list too many things, might result in empty promises. Anyways.. we're trying to create a town connected to a castle, with our own custom tiles. What we're looking for, is one or two Level Makers wanting to design the town (tiles needed can be requested by our tile maker), and later on detail it.

If you are remotely interested, feel free to contact one of the following:

  • Ziro (xXziroXx) - email: [email protected]
  • Angel (Omaster2) - AIM: mShort345
  • Pimmeh (Pimmeh) - AIM: Pimmeh

Related Threads:

Main Thread


  • March 8th - Zone Video Contests Winners Anouncement


Last week the Zone players took part in a video contest, and the best submissions where added to the forums and people could vote for which video they like most. The winners are Lord Conorr, Az and Jesper which got the new Twin Blade weapon as prize.

Watch the videos at

  • March 7th - AEON has opened a world to players

Server aeon.png

AEON has released its classic-themed overworld, Elan: The Faded Nation.

The release of the overworld is accompanied by the release of several systems:

  • A Town Takeover System. Guilds are able to capture Elan's Towns, and receive perks for controlling them.
  • A hunting system. Players can hunt animals and sell their hides for some cash. Higher level hunters can choose more powerful weapons.
  • A mining system. Higher level Miners have an easier time mining. Miners can also purchase better axes. Draisines make it easier for Miners to travel through the mines.
  • An automated Event Bot. Elan offers a variety of events. If an Event Staff is not on, the Event Bot temporarily takes the place of staff.
  • Guild PK Rankings. Guilds can prove they are the best by reaching the top of the Guild PK Rankings.
  • A wide selection of Weapons and Prizes. Shops are scattered throughout the playerworld.

In the works:

  • Guild and Individual Spar rankings

  • March 2nd - Atrius is back!


You can look foward to:

  • Gangs
  • Businesses
  • New Quests with Prizes
  • In-Game Instant Messaging
  • GPS Style Map
  • and much more...

We hope you enjoy the new features and come and play! Enjoy!

-TheJames (Manager of Atrius)

  • March 1st - Utopia is back!

Utopia is currently back from it's "In-Developmental Staff-Only" state. Along with the opening, we've introduced the:

  • New Inside OSL
  • Biz System (Still being developed)
  • Ammo System (All guns)
  • Also, we are hiring:
  • 1-2 NAT's
  • 1-2 GAT's
  • Please hop on and talk to Ork for a job.
  • All for now!
  • Best Regards,
  • Ork
  • Utopia General Manager


  • February 26th - Effects Team Hiring

N-Pulse is now hiring for the Effects Team and the Radio DJ Team! The effects team is made up of people that can make Sound Effects, Ganis, and Particle Scripts. If you are skilled in any of these areas, please come to N-Pulse and PM Stromstedt for further information.

  • February 10th - Day of the Sun

On February 10th Graal Kingdoms hosted the legendary Day Of The Sun! Many Events and Fun at Graal Kingdoms was a rule! At the end of the Day of the Sun all Graalians had to collect some items for the sun so the sun melt the snow! Thanks to all Event Master for 5 Hours permament hosting!


Here are the results of the winners:

  • DesirableDreams=3 Event Coins
  • Ziro_of_the_Turks= 4 Event Coins
  • Alex51= 4 Event Coins
  • protozero= 11 Event Coins/Shield of the Sun
  • roboman43= 1 Event Coin
  • Tigairius= Shield of the Sun
  • superjason5= 3 Event Coins
  • Fishigidande= 3 Event Coins

  • February 7th - Bionic getting ready for Hosted

Bionic screenshot.png

Hello everybody! A lot of people know about Bionic, but for those people that have never heard of us: Bionic is a growing server. We've been doing alot of work to bring forward a brand new server that Graal has never seen before. We have new ways to get Exp. On our server we have a new Exp System, new events, new jobs and how to earn money in different ways than you've ever seen before. Also we have a brand new magic system and are working on a fighting system but we need some help.

We are looking for 1 or 2 NATS, 1 LAT and also 1 Gfx and 1 Gani maker. We have applications made for each department. There is currently no chief for those departments so who knows if u might take those spots in the future, but talk to Rave Platinum (Manager) on the server (MSN [email protected], AIM Rave6298).

We hope to see you all soon! We're getting ready to hit Hosted Tab thank you...

  • February 2nd - Zone Jump'n'Run Race

Screenshot jumprace.png

A new event has been added on Zone: the Jump'n'Run Race! Everyone starts at the bottom of the map and must jump onto platforms to get to the top. Only the Blaster and the Gravity Hammer are working here. On the way to the top you can find several moving platforms, baddies and destroyable blocks. A lot of players participated in the events.

We have also updated the Platform map to balance it more. The Events Team can now hold events for guilds and only allow certain weapons for doing melee-only events and similar.


  • January 28th - Classic Dev Update

CLASSIC has started its redevelopment in earnest at last. The Minigame System with Graalian Invaders is back. More games will be following soon. It can be found in a shop in Nimda with high scores being found in Coms Tower.

You also have your choice of tilesets. We've had commands for /system tiles old and /system tiles new. Thor has added /system tiles original. It gives Classic back its more Zelda like look.

DC has also released the fishing pole. It can be found in its usual location in Avalon. Level 2 lure is released at this point.

Jet skis are also back on Avalon as well as in The Joint's spar for those wet spars.

  • January 26th - Zone Platform World

Today we have released something entirely different from what you know about Zone! This Platform world creates a whole new, nice environment for Events. Together with this world we have released a new weapon, the Gravity Hammer. The weapon has 2 different types of usage (melee/shoot) and is available in the Gelat Shop. Special thanks goes to Sayian (SayianOozaru) for creating the graphics of the weapon and Hato (PaperMario) for creating the ganis.

Zone Platform.png

  • January 26th - Symphonia is Hiring!

Symphonia is hiring all kinds of Development positions:

  • 1/2 Scripters
  • 1 Graphic Designer
  • 2 Level Designers

If your type of development isn't there please apply within the server. Or go and view this thread:

Symp screenshot.gif

  • January 19th - Zone Weapons Spar

The Zone events team can now host spar events where only certain weapons are enabled, e.g. melee spars. Expect some fun events this weekend!

Screenshot sparwalk.png

  • January 17th - Zenkou

Zenkou - Closing down on Release


Hey, we all know that Zenkou has been around for ages... "When are they finally going to release?" Well, we have a lot of content as it is but we are in need of more. Zenkou is in need of some new development staff who are willing to help us in our final push for classic. The positions that we are looking for are:

  • 2 Graphics Makers
  • 2 Level Makers
  • 1 Scripter

Log on and contact the staff if you wish to join our dish.

  • January 17th - 10 Years of Graal

Exactly 10 years ago Graal has been started. Thanks to players and developers for staying with us for that long time and enjoying the game. Expect many more exciting things in the future!

  • January 14th - Kingdoms Ghoul Town

GhoulTown small.png

A new town has been released on Crescent Island, Ghoul Town can be found on the small island at the top of Crescent Island. In the Tavern there is a spar upstairs with all the tables and chairs and other interiors of a bar. So you can have a bar brawl or just relax with friends. You can craft weapons and tools in the blacksmiths and cannonballs in the cannonball shop or just visit one of the many houses around the island. There is also some barracks with a large spar and a resting room for pirates.

  • January 12th - Kingdoms Big Event

Screenshot kingdomsbigevent.png

Many players participated in this event - equipped with water cans, pickaxes, scythes and more they followed the hints given by the events masters and searched for hidden objects and characters. After more than two hours the winners of this scavenger event received new items like the belzebub shield.

  • January 12th - Trading Card Winners

The lucky winners of lifetime Gold access for collecting all trading card sets are ... XiLe (trevor987) and Bolivian! Congratulations!

To everyone else: we will give more nice stuff in a few weeks, everyone who has a full card set will have a chance to win rare items or Graal 3D preview access.

  • January 12th - Zone New Spar

The new spar dropship has been released on Zone! It brings back the two spar rooms where you can watch people, adds a new snow spar room and you can also fight against the spar bot again. Have fun and gain a high spar rating by beating players in the spar rooms!

Screenshot zonenewspar.png

  • January 9th - Sunny Ville Needs Help!

Sunny Ville is a new server idea, brought by an Esteria scripter. We are currently hiring:

  • 2 GRAPHICS ARTISTS (you will need to know how to work with other Graphics Artists and how to make a tileset)

For more info on the server, please see:

  • January 5th - Kingdoms Snowman Building Contest

Once again a snowman building contest was hold on Graal Kingdoms, the 10 players who built most snowmen got some special items including event coins. Come see those snowmen or build your own snowman to get a gift box before the snow is melting !

Screenshot snowman2008.png