User:Napo p2p

From Graal Bible
Revision as of 03:25, 14 March 2006 by Napo p2p (talk | contribs)
This article is biographical in nature and is intended to provide information about a player of Graal. It is likely to have been written by the player himself or another player, so expect some degree of bias. If you have something to add then please feel free to contribute it, but try to keep all content fair and do your best to ensure that your additions are not offensive or unreasonable. If you wish to discuss opinions about this player, use this player's Talk page.

You're currently looking at Napo:

Napo (n). (nay-poh || nah-poh).

 1. Term used for "Badass Scripter"
 2. Raging Noob
   a. Hopeless for 1337ifying out of Noob Status

synonyms: Inverness, Sage Cypher, Poodie

antonyms: NerFBaSs, Jesus, The Republican Party

  • Is currently the Manager of the Hosted Playerworld: Aeon.
  • Is a Computer Engineering major at the California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo.