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MSVCR80.DLL Error Information

A frequently reported problem with Graal 4 for Windows is a bug with a file called "MSVCR80.DLL". Graal 4 may complain that it does not exist, or that there are missing symbols.

We are aware of this problem. It isn't Graal-related, but can be caused by installation of programs such as Windows Defender or other Microsoft products that used a modified version of the DLL.

Reinstall or uninstall Windows Defender. It currently messes up the Windows files, and is still in beta.

If you don't want to do that, the most common fix is to place the file, downloaded from , into your Graal folder. If this does not work, it is possible that replacing the version in your system folder (%WINDIR%\system32) will also work; however, this may cause certain applications to malfunction. Replacing the version in your system folder is entirely at your own risk.

Please only post a bug report thread about MSVCR80.DLL if the mentioned methods here do not work.