
From Graal Bible


  • July 14th - Zodiac V2 Updates and New Tutorial!

ZodiacV2img.PNG Zodiac's Staff are currently working on the next version, so far they're completing the base of the Server, including systems such as the Inventory (Q), Status (W), Equipment (R), Basic PvP Combat, a New Boat System, and much more!

When the base is complete they will begin announcing new planned features, and look to the community for talented Level Makers, and Graphic designers to help make Zodiac V2 shine! To keep in touch with Zodiac's V2 updates Click Here!

Also, a new Tutorial has been released. "This is our first step in making Zodiac more newbie-friendly, as it teaches a couple fundamentals of Graal and Zodiac. Most of which should come naturally after button-mashing for menus but it's all nice, spelled out and mandatory." Said Xor, a developer of Zodiac.

  • July 13th - Dementia Needs Help!


Dementia has been completely rebuilt. Currently we have a few levels, a few NPC, and some graphics. We plan to build a real time battle system, with custom stats, magic, weapons, wild enemies you can capture, and so much more! Check us out! Contact Latte if you are interested in a staff position, either in game, or by e-mail, [email protected]. We are not yet hiring FAQs, GPs, or Events team yet, so please be patient!

  • July 9th - Delteria Spar Tournament

Delteria's overworld and kitcsh returned along with the (DST) Delterian Spar Tournament. Each Wednesday night, starting at 11 PM EST, the DST will be held. Winners of the tournament will receive a statue in the Delterian Spar Complex. Of the over 50 players online, 34 players participated and only one won the tournament. Congratulations to Chance Mercy (Veracity) for victory in the tournament on Wednesday!


Along the side of the Delterian Spar Tournament, the Delterian Tag Team Spar Tournament is planning to make a return. The Delterian Tag Team Spar Tournament will begin at 11 PM EST on Monday the 13th of July. The first calls for the event will begin at 10:45 PM EST. Good luck to the teams that participate!

  • July 9th - Graal Kingdoms - Monster Siege Part 1


There's a letter. It was dropped by a Skelly. Hm... it's pretty garbled and torn up. Only one thing can be made out from the mess, "... we will attack..."

Sounds ominous enough doesn't it? We need adventurers to strike out and slay monsters by the ton. We need to discover what their plans are. Where are they going to attack, what are they going to do?

This Sunday at around 5:00 server time I should have an idea on where there are some monsters hiding out. If you're there I'll send you off to recover more plans. Each piece you bring back will win you an event coin. Maybe then we'll learn what they're doing.

  • July 7th - Graal Kingdoms - Quarter 3


Quarter 3 has arrived on Graal Kingdoms. Find more information here.

  • July 6th - Noctorious Beta


Noctorious is a modern themed server with many of the same features you'd expect from a modern server, however the the staff team has paid great attention to detail brining a unique style of design to the server. The public beta testing is from Monday the 6th until Monday the 13th of July giving a glimpse of what's to come.

Notorious is looking for Scripters, Level, Graphic, and Gani Artists to help with the development project. For more details [Click here].


  • July 5th - Unholy Nation Pets!

Hi guys! Sunday at 5:00 PM EST we will be having an open beta testing of the newest system on it's way to Unholy Nation. We have been slaving over it for two weeks, and are excited to get the final product public! You guessed right, it's the future pet system!


Just be ready to log onto Unholy Dev and have fun. The main objective is to evaluate the stress this system will have on the server when we have a large group of players using it at a time. There will be a thread on our own UN forums system (and the GraalOnline forums) for your opinion of the system.

Keep in mind this is the beta! So what you're seeing isn't the finished product. Thanks!

~Streety/UN Team

  • July 4th - Zone 4th of July

Thanks to the Zone staff for the 4th of July updates. Flags were added to the bases, cookies were temporarily enabled with a limit of two, and the jetpack flames were changed to be red, white, and blue. Thanks in particular to Minomato and Novice for their contributions to allow these updates to happen. More updates will come soon! Have a happy 4th of July!
