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'''[[Viper]]'s [[Graal]] Issues.'''
[[Worlds/Classic|Classic]] is a top 2D multiplayer server that focuses primarily on its adventure aspects and player interaction rather than having tiresome experienced based leveling or huge role play elements. As Graal's oldest world, it has a lot of prestige, reputation and history amongst players.

Many players of the players enjoy practicing their fighting techniques through sparring (organized fighting) and pk'ing (somewhat less organized fighting), and there is a lot of competition to become the best. Each month, a large tournament is held to determine the finest fighter on [[Worlds/Classic|Classic]] - a position that comes with great honor, and frequently the events team hold various sparring tournaments. As Classic is not level/experience based, it is possible for players from all servers to come on and be competitive based on their skill alone.
Hello everyone, as of late, many people have been attacking me on the issues and matters, trying to lie about things, bend the truth, and downright spin to make me and others of my cause look bad, in this text document i will discuss and lay to rest the issues that matter.

[[Worlds/Classic|Classic's]] Game Coordinator team also put on many other events throughout the day, such as ''Capture The Flag'', ''Sumo Battles'' and many more, with the winning players receiving tickets that can be exchanged for unique collectors items. With new event items being added all the time, it will take the most dedicated of player to obtain them all.
I have been involved [[Graal]] for over three years now, and i used to really like [[Graal]] and its admins alot, then slowly after about a year [[Graal]] and its admins went in a bad downward spiral, i still stuck with [[Graal]] in hopes [[Graal]] would pull itself out of this hole and [[Unixmad]] would go back to the right path, this however did not happen, instead [[Unixmad]] and even [[Stefan]] went fouler and lower than i could have imageined, First with fireing [[Pachuka]] and [[Fuitad]], two of the BEST [[Graal]] admins ever in my view for no other reason than disagreeing with his future plans, then if just fireing them was not bad enough, he threatend to sue them and kill they're families, this was so wrong and bad [[Fuitad]] even said he would punch [[Unixmad]] in the face for saying that if he met him in real life, but that was just the beginning of the downward spiral [[Unixmad]] foolishly invoked onto [[Graal]], he then blatantly STOLE a domain name [[Graal]].net from Owl Shimy which costed over 30$ US Dollars, and never gave it back to him and never paid him for the cost of the domain, he also threatend to sue Owl Shimy and kill his family although it was [[Unixmad]] which stole the domain from Owl Shimy, then around [[Graal]]1.3.1 he blocked off [[GServer]]s officially and threatend to sue anyone that ran the former [[GServer]]s, although they were released as "Freeware" and actually used to encourage people to use the [[GServer]]s, this was a blatant attempt to monopolise , threaten, and intemidate that players that actually helped [[Graal]] and supported him, he then made claims he copyrighted "[[Graal]]" and would contact so called "Lawres" about anyone that used the name "[[Graal]]" or had "[[Graal]] Files" on there websites, although [[Graal]] was distributed as "Freeware" or "Shareware" and had no official software copyrights related to it, and that the name "[[Graal]]" was actually the name of a holy sacred golden cup used in some religion, and in that he has commited blasphemy against whatever religion has the so called "Holy [[Graal]]", then later on [[Unixmad]] fired SuperNick, because of his country and his origion and called him an American Asian slut, this was the first sign of racism on the part of [[Unixmad]], towards [[Graal]]1.4.1 [[Unixmad]] was secretly unwrapping his sadistic plans, he then started claiming credit and claiming to own the copyrights to [[Graal]], although [[Unixmad]] has done nothing but host some stupid weak as servers, and yet [[Stefan]] Knorr has done all the real work for [[Graal]], and was the one to make ZeldaOnline , [[Graal]]Online in the first place and has written every bit of codeing for the [[Graal]] Client , [[GServer]], RC, ect, yet [[Unixmad]] the worthless pile of trash that he is steals all credit for [[Graal]], then in February 2001, [[Unixmad]] and Antago release [[Graal]]2001 and the start of the "Pay to Play" system, now i have no problem with the fact that it is pay to play, the issue is when you PAY for something you actually expect to get the worth while of your money in this product, but instead they got a shittily made level generated land that was 99% empty, the NPCs were and are laggy as hell, and there were no quests, and there is only two shitty things today for hearts that suck so much i refuse to even call them quests, and to add to that about 40% of everyone that paid and gave [[Unixmad]] there credit card number NEVER got the accounts they paid 27$ or more for, and those that did clearly got chumped out by a cheap peice of crap that aint worth paying for, it sucked so badly that most people played on [[Graal]] Classic still, even those that foolishly paid for pay to play accounts, and in an attempt to "FORCE" people to pay for a shitty product they do not want against they're will [[Unixmad]] hired "Tyhm" to deface and ruin [[Graal]]Classic in an attempt to make it buggier and less fun than even [[Graal]]2001, about this time i was disgusted with [[Unixmad]] and most of the other admins and decided to downright turn against [[Graal]] and for the most part stop playing the peice of crap in general. People starting getting angry, complaining, asking for help, and asking for refunds, of coarse [[Unixmad]] gave noone a cash refund, and simply deleted and banned "PAID ACCOUNTS" of those who complained, asked for help, or asked for a refund these are PAYING CUSTOMERS, they have the rights of basic service that they PAID for, [[Unixmad]] promises pay to play players a quality product and customer service, but instead gives them a grade F product and ripps off his customers and delete they're accounts that they PAID HIM money for, his excuse? Credit card fraud, when infact at least 90% of the people he bans for credit card fraud pay legitamately with there OWN credit cards or pay via paypal by check, and yet [[Unixmad]] has stolen and used others credit card numbers to buy things for himself on several occassions, he also claims he needs pay to play money to keep [[Graal]] alive and running, yet there has been evidence that he makes at least 90% profit out of the monies he gets, and that he uses illegal porn ad banners and illegal cookie style web tracking and giveing email adresses of the players and even phone numbers of every player to spam and telemarketting companies without there permission, he even keeps personal player info, includeing email, adress, and phone number on unsecure servers which have already been leaked out, such info about people should not be on a public webserver accessable to the internet in anyway, then after all that [[Unixmad]] starts banning african american people, asians, koreans, and or people with images of people of that race from the [[Graal]]2001 forums and [[Graal]] itself, yet again they are paying customers and this is another sickening act of racism on the part of [[Unixmad]] and [[Graal]]Online, and then even more disgusting is what [[Stefan]] posts on the [[Graal]]2001 forums, he makes several anti american, racist, pro terrorist, pro nazi, and pro taliban comments on that post and goes on and on several pages bashing americans, this post was offense, obcene, and disgusting to many people includeing myself . If all that does not make you sick to your stomache or dislike [[Unixmad]] yet, i am far from done, then [[Unixmad]] proceeds to illegally DDOS webservers of mafukie and make threats to him over the phone, and has phone assaulted me over 40 times a day between midnight and 5am, and has made threats to sue dozens of people, kill there families, and shut down innocent websites and servers, while hosting illegal stuff and doing illegal things himself with the use of his own servers, stuff which includes child porn, bestiality porn, DVD Piracy, DDOS Attacks, theft of copyrighted materials from gameing companies such as nintendo, Credit Card fraud, theft, spamming, phone harrassment, useage of illegal pirated corperate softwares, all this just to start the list of what [[Unixmad]]', [[Stefan]], and they're servers are doing 24/7 for nearly 4 years now , anyone that likes [[Unixmad]] or thinks he is a good person even after all this is clearly a fool, everything in this document is the truth and why i hate [[Unixmad]] so much, if you like [[Unixmad]] after all these sickening things he does, then you are no better than a KKK or Neo Nazi member and should go kill yourselfs, i do not tolerate facists, racists, or nazis, they are all bad people, and [[Unixmad]] is one of the worst of the worst, and no person with any morales could tolerate or support such a person like Stephane Portha or [[Stefan]] Knorr. The people that spin, lie and bend the truth in support of [[Unixmad]] will always exist, but i will always reveal the truth about [[Unixmad]], and EVERYTHING said in this document is true, despite what any assclowns try and say about this, and this supriseingly enough is only 1% of the bad things [[Unixmad]] has done, how some people even tolerate, none the less support such a bad person is beyond me... I fight against bad people like [[Unixmad]], why? Because unlike many others in this world i actually care about other people, and i will do everything in my power to stop [[Unixmad]] from hurting [[Graal]] or its innocent players, many say i want to destroy and kill [[Graal]], this is NOT true, i used to love [[Graal]], i only wish to stop [[Unixmad]]'s evil sadistic illegal actions and restore [[Graal]] to the great game it used to be when it was "for the players, by the players" , but if i have to destroy [[Graal]]Online in exchange to stop [[Unixmad]]'s tyranny, it will be regreteable, but sometimes some sacrifices have to be made for the greater good, lets just hope that [[Unixmad]] drops dead and that sacrifice never has to be made... I love [[Graal]] and lots of its players, and i wish to someday restore it to the grandness it once had, but bad people like [[Unixmad]] must be gotten rid of if that is to be achieved...
As a Classic server, [[Worlds/Classic|Classic]] is available to all players, though [[Trial]] accounts will not have thier stats saved.
===The Early Years===
[[Worlds/Classic|Classic]] was the first Server to emerge on Graal, and as a result, has gathered a strong reputation amongst [[Oldbies]].
For a long time, the server was managed by Tyhm, and slowly evolved with interesting new ideas such as 'races', whereby players gained attributes of their chosen race, for example, the Zorbi race could trap other players inside bubbles in order to escape a battle, though these races were later removed after players complained of 'unfairness' between them.
As time continued, a storyline and cut scenes were integrated, and the overworld was molded to fit more cleanly together, eventually shaping the [[Worlds/Classic|Classic]] world into a series of islands. These changes were prompted by the influx of new players, and the introduction of mapped levels, which allowed players to see nearby levels as if they were part of one large area. To appease some of the older players, unhappy with these changes, a quest was formed which took an early version of [[Worlds/Classic|Classic]], and placed it into a 'museum'.
===The Middle Ages===
By mid 2003, [[Worlds/Classic|Classic]] was bulging with content, with some 7000 levels on the server. Whilst this was great for the players, especially those with a tendency to explore, Tyhm and his development team himself were finding it increasingly difficult to convert everything over for the emerging [[NPC-Server]] technology.
In March 2004, due to other commitments, Tyhm left the management of [[Worlds/Classic|Classic]], and after a brief period of anarchy, [[Stefan]] stepped in, appointing a new manager, Master Storm on the 7th of April. Storm made it his primary focus to get the NPC Server released, as it was by now some many years overdue. Due to various situations, namely the difficulty with converting everything, Storm decided instead to rebuild [[Worlds/Classic|Classic]] from scratch, focusing on getting compatibility with the NPC server at a base level, and expanding with content after. The wipe of content also meant that new ideas could be implemented, and that the [[Worlds/Classic|Classic]] development team could create a world closer to the servers roots.
==='New Classic'===
On January 6th 2005, the [[NPC-Server]] launched for [[Worlds/Classic|Classic]]. This came somewhat early in the development of 'New Classic', but was pretty much forced as support for old style Classic GServers was being removed. It is fair to say that the server was rushed to meet this deadline, and this has had large knock on effects. Not long after, GScript 2 was introduced, and this futher delayed progress, as time had to be dedicated to compatibility rather than the creation of content. The appointment of a new LAT Admin in August '05 has greatly improved the situation, and [[Worlds/Classic|Classic]]is finally rebuilding itself.
Since the introduction of the [[NPC-Server]], [[Worlds/Classic|Classic]] has been using custom movement and hit detection. Whilst these have been designed to closely emulate the built in system of Graal, by using custom movement, the opportunity for interesting new ideas is greatly increased. The custom movement also allows more subtle tweaks, such as allowing for a greater range of player movement speeds, and encompasses various bug fixes.
More controversial is the rewritten hit detection. This places the hit detection entirely serverside, as opposed to the clientside detection with which many are accustomed. This greatly improves security, and provides a more consistent, lower lag, but has been controversial with the players, most notably the sparring and pk'ing fraternity, as they have had to adjust to the different lag behavior.
There remain few who still believe that the rebuilding is, in essence, wrong. There remain even fewer who hold a hope of actually gaining the beloved [[Worlds/Classic|Classic]] back. The current view of the Levels Administration Team is to not reject any fair content that is already existing on the server, and there are also efforts to restore older content.
===Management ''(Manager)''===
[[User:Polo|Master Storm]] is the current Manager of [[Worlds/Classic|Classic]], and is in charge of directing each staff divisions, also well as overseeing the development of the server.
Can be contacted via:
* Forum PM: Polo
* AIM: StormLagmaster
===Graal Police ''(GP)''===
Graal Police is the oldest, and in some ways most prestigious of all the staff devisions. Led by [[User:StrykerTFFD|Stryker]], the division is in charge of ensuring that all players act in an orderly manner, jailing those who offend. They are also out the detect those using hacks/trainers to gain an unfair advantage, deterring them as appropriate.
===Levels Administration Team ''(LAT)''===
Currently fronted by [[User:jake13jake|Massokre]], the LAT team is there for all aspects of development, from graphics and tiling, through to scripting. They are also in charge of handling player submissions of content. More specifically [[User:newCappa|Cappa]] and [[User:trifle|PKT]] take charge of graphics and ganis, while [[User:playared|Exodus]] is in charge of levels content. [[User:jake13jake|Massokre]], as admin has a large influence into the evolution of the server, and with his team are responsible for creating the quests of tomorrow.
===Events Team ''(Game Coordinator)''===
Along with his minions, Game Coordinator Administrator '[[User:Nightmareangel|Night Darkmane]]' is out there to ensure that all players are well entertained through various events and tournaments.
===Frequently Asked Questions ''(FAQ)''===
The FAQ team, led by [[User:Shadow87|Tatsumi Darkblade]], were created in order to help players progress through quests, or to become familiar with Graal and Classic itself. Originally a task done by GP's (with mixed results), the FAQ team are the people to turn to when you've forgotten a vital control, or need help obtaining a given item, or simply, if you don't know what to do!

Revision as of 03:34, 1 July 2007

Viper's Graal Issues.

Hello everyone, as of late, many people have been attacking me on the issues and matters, trying to lie about things, bend the truth, and downright spin to make me and others of my cause look bad, in this text document i will discuss and lay to rest the issues that matter.

I have been involved Graal for over three years now, and i used to really like Graal and its admins alot, then slowly after about a year Graal and its admins went in a bad downward spiral, i still stuck with Graal in hopes Graal would pull itself out of this hole and Unixmad would go back to the right path, this however did not happen, instead Unixmad and even Stefan went fouler and lower than i could have imageined, First with fireing Pachuka and Fuitad, two of the BEST Graal admins ever in my view for no other reason than disagreeing with his future plans, then if just fireing them was not bad enough, he threatend to sue them and kill they're families, this was so wrong and bad Fuitad even said he would punch Unixmad in the face for saying that if he met him in real life, but that was just the beginning of the downward spiral Unixmad foolishly invoked onto Graal, he then blatantly STOLE a domain name from Owl Shimy which costed over 30$ US Dollars, and never gave it back to him and never paid him for the cost of the domain, he also threatend to sue Owl Shimy and kill his family although it was Unixmad which stole the domain from Owl Shimy, then around Graal1.3.1 he blocked off GServers officially and threatend to sue anyone that ran the former GServers, although they were released as "Freeware" and actually used to encourage people to use the GServers, this was a blatant attempt to monopolise , threaten, and intemidate that players that actually helped Graal and supported him, he then made claims he copyrighted "Graal" and would contact so called "Lawres" about anyone that used the name "Graal" or had "Graal Files" on there websites, although Graal was distributed as "Freeware" or "Shareware" and had no official software copyrights related to it, and that the name "Graal" was actually the name of a holy sacred golden cup used in some religion, and in that he has commited blasphemy against whatever religion has the so called "Holy Graal", then later on Unixmad fired SuperNick, because of his country and his origion and called him an American Asian slut, this was the first sign of racism on the part of Unixmad, towards Graal1.4.1 Unixmad was secretly unwrapping his sadistic plans, he then started claiming credit and claiming to own the copyrights to Graal, although Unixmad has done nothing but host some stupid weak as servers, and yet Stefan Knorr has done all the real work for Graal, and was the one to make ZeldaOnline , GraalOnline in the first place and has written every bit of codeing for the Graal Client , GServer, RC, ect, yet Unixmad the worthless pile of trash that he is steals all credit for Graal, then in February 2001, Unixmad and Antago release Graal2001 and the start of the "Pay to Play" system, now i have no problem with the fact that it is pay to play, the issue is when you PAY for something you actually expect to get the worth while of your money in this product, but instead they got a shittily made level generated land that was 99% empty, the NPCs were and are laggy as hell, and there were no quests, and there is only two shitty things today for hearts that suck so much i refuse to even call them quests, and to add to that about 40% of everyone that paid and gave Unixmad there credit card number NEVER got the accounts they paid 27$ or more for, and those that did clearly got chumped out by a cheap peice of crap that aint worth paying for, it sucked so badly that most people played on Graal Classic still, even those that foolishly paid for pay to play accounts, and in an attempt to "FORCE" people to pay for a shitty product they do not want against they're will Unixmad hired "Tyhm" to deface and ruin GraalClassic in an attempt to make it buggier and less fun than even Graal2001, about this time i was disgusted with Unixmad and most of the other admins and decided to downright turn against Graal and for the most part stop playing the peice of crap in general. People starting getting angry, complaining, asking for help, and asking for refunds, of coarse Unixmad gave noone a cash refund, and simply deleted and banned "PAID ACCOUNTS" of those who complained, asked for help, or asked for a refund these are PAYING CUSTOMERS, they have the rights of basic service that they PAID for, Unixmad promises pay to play players a quality product and customer service, but instead gives them a grade F product and ripps off his customers and delete they're accounts that they PAID HIM money for, his excuse? Credit card fraud, when infact at least 90% of the people he bans for credit card fraud pay legitamately with there OWN credit cards or pay via paypal by check, and yet Unixmad has stolen and used others credit card numbers to buy things for himself on several occassions, he also claims he needs pay to play money to keep Graal alive and running, yet there has been evidence that he makes at least 90% profit out of the monies he gets, and that he uses illegal porn ad banners and illegal cookie style web tracking and giveing email adresses of the players and even phone numbers of every player to spam and telemarketting companies without there permission, he even keeps personal player info, includeing email, adress, and phone number on unsecure servers which have already been leaked out, such info about people should not be on a public webserver accessable to the internet in anyway, then after all that Unixmad starts banning african american people, asians, koreans, and or people with images of people of that race from the Graal2001 forums and Graal itself, yet again they are paying customers and this is another sickening act of racism on the part of Unixmad and GraalOnline, and then even more disgusting is what Stefan posts on the Graal2001 forums, he makes several anti american, racist, pro terrorist, pro nazi, and pro taliban comments on that post and goes on and on several pages bashing americans, this post was offense, obcene, and disgusting to many people includeing myself . If all that does not make you sick to your stomache or dislike Unixmad yet, i am far from done, then Unixmad proceeds to illegally DDOS webservers of mafukie and make threats to him over the phone, and has phone assaulted me over 40 times a day between midnight and 5am, and has made threats to sue dozens of people, kill there families, and shut down innocent websites and servers, while hosting illegal stuff and doing illegal things himself with the use of his own servers, stuff which includes child porn, bestiality porn, DVD Piracy, DDOS Attacks, theft of copyrighted materials from gameing companies such as nintendo, Credit Card fraud, theft, spamming, phone harrassment, useage of illegal pirated corperate softwares, all this just to start the list of what Unixmad', Stefan, and they're servers are doing 24/7 for nearly 4 years now , anyone that likes Unixmad or thinks he is a good person even after all this is clearly a fool, everything in this document is the truth and why i hate Unixmad so much, if you like Unixmad after all these sickening things he does, then you are no better than a KKK or Neo Nazi member and should go kill yourselfs, i do not tolerate facists, racists, or nazis, they are all bad people, and Unixmad is one of the worst of the worst, and no person with any morales could tolerate or support such a person like Stephane Portha or Stefan Knorr. The people that spin, lie and bend the truth in support of Unixmad will always exist, but i will always reveal the truth about Unixmad, and EVERYTHING said in this document is true, despite what any assclowns try and say about this, and this supriseingly enough is only 1% of the bad things Unixmad has done, how some people even tolerate, none the less support such a bad person is beyond me... I fight against bad people like Unixmad, why? Because unlike many others in this world i actually care about other people, and i will do everything in my power to stop Unixmad from hurting Graal or its innocent players, many say i want to destroy and kill Graal, this is NOT true, i used to love Graal, i only wish to stop Unixmad's evil sadistic illegal actions and restore Graal to the great game it used to be when it was "for the players, by the players" , but if i have to destroy GraalOnline in exchange to stop Unixmad's tyranny, it will be regreteable, but sometimes some sacrifices have to be made for the greater good, lets just hope that Unixmad drops dead and that sacrifice never has to be made... I love Graal and lots of its players, and i wish to someday restore it to the grandness it once had, but bad people like Unixmad must be gotten rid of if that is to be achieved...