User:PrinceDark: Difference between revisions

From Graal Bible
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Swordsmen, recruited by '''BooJ'''
Swordsmen, recruited by '''BooJ'''
Legend, recruited by '''Hell Raven'''
Legend, recruited by '''Hell Raven'''
Dragon Knights, recruited by '''ETD'''
Dragon Knights, recruited by '''ETD'''
Skyre Draneth, recruited by '''SkyKnight'''
Skyre Draneth, recruited by '''SkyKnight'''
Legacy, recruited by '''Examp'''
Legacy, recruited by '''Examp'''
DFE, recruited by '''Geovanie'''
DFE, recruited by '''Geovanie'''

Revision as of 19:29, 9 February 2006

One of N-Pulse's most famous and infamous players, Criminal X has contributed much as a player and staff member to the server.


The Beginning

Started playing N-Pulse back in November of 2000. In the first few months playing became friends with Xbob42, Anime4Ever, Autumn Rayne, SaDie, Midnight, and a few others.


Former member of Triple H's crazy wrestling guilds DX and NAO.

During the fall of TCN, joined the guild Criminals while still using the aliases Legendary Prince Dark and Warrior X. As a Criminals member, turned to the nickname Criminal X and became bonded by blood to be a Criminal4Lyfe. As just a regular member, Criminal X became the heart and soul of the guild, providing much leadership and showing of what it is like to be a warrior filled with pride and honor.

After joining Criminals, Criminal X reached the status where he no longer had to beg, or do a tryout to join a good guild. Other guilds he was invited to join include ...

Swordsmen, recruited by BooJ

Legend, recruited by Hell Raven

Dragon Knights, recruited by ETD

Skyre Draneth, recruited by SkyKnight

Legacy, recruited by Examp

DFE, recruited by Geovanie

The sole guild led/created by Criminal X on Unholy Nation was known as the Silent Warriors. A small group of 10 lethal warriors/pkers. Composed of the quietest and most unknown warriors (mostly friends from Criminals) It didn't pan out, and was disbanded by the end of 2002.

Staff Positions

First staff position on Graal was as an FAQ for N-Pulse back in 2001. Hired by former FAQ Chief and Dragon Knight, Princess Rose. Held an FAQ position on N-Pulse on several different occasions.

Late 2002 - Early 2003 Moved on to do some development for Frolic as a Level Maker, while working on his old personal project Everworld with Arcadius and Senator. During this time stayed away from N-Pulse for about 5 months. Got to script for the first time online while working with Knuckles, Cybnext, screen_name, and Tangy.

Early 2003- Early 2005 Recruited by SkyKnight to work on an un-named playerworld, which eventually got to be known as End of Ages. Did much development and eventually became co-manager, even up through the merger with N-Pulse.

Early 2005 - Midway 2005 Worked with Nas, SlikRick, Gate and Johhnie Rain on Exiled Tribes when GS2 was finally available. Have not developed online since then.

Project X (Oracle of the Auricle) Mid 2005. A personal project compiling most of my own personal levels and graphics. The last known work ... never did go online though the overworld was complete and tileset was halfway redesigned.

Mid 2005. Unconfirmed retirement from Graal as a player and staff member. Like most oldbie ... just dissappeared without a trace. Pops on occasionally and dissappears again.