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Revision as of 07:04, 18 September 2005

This article describes one of Graal's many playerworlds. If you have some information about this world's quests, staff, events or content, feel free to contribute to it by clicking the Edit link on the left side. Try to keep your edits as fair and unbiased as possible, though - the GraalBible is primarily for information, not for argument.

A Graal Playerworld currently on the Classic tab.

Their official server website can be found here: Maloria


Maloria's roots goes back a long ways to the time of traditional Graal. The server was a moderatly popular server pulling in a max player count of 40 to 50 per day. Maloria had a extremly large number of events, and had many advanced scripts for the time. Several changes in managers occured, and then the server disappeared from the classic list. Not because it had gone under or anything, but because the staff were developing a new system. The new system completely redefined the traditional Graal style. Players started with 45 HP and 15 MP and through series of quests they could get 60 HP and 35 MP. There was a large overworld, but they had cut many of the events from their past server. Through most of this phase, however, the server was not listed on the serverlist. After much development in this system, they began working on a system dubbed v2.

v2 was a new system proposed by the staff that developed on the old system, that is not dubbed v1. The new system promised a leveling system and new items. Even different classes for players to pick. They picked a few lucky beta testers and after a while they were off. The new system was released in a public beta test. Players were told that this was temporary, and as soon as more development was done, a server reset would occur and the official version would begin. However, this never happened. The staff apparently lost intrest in the idea and simply developed what they had. Which brings us to the current status of the server.


Through forgotten pledges and broken promises, v2 was never fully developed to the staff's original expectations. The server has a very unfinished feel to it. The classes the players were once promised, are now unbalanced, favoring the fighter, simply because they developed the skills and weapons for the fighter before the scout and before the mage. Many staff now are working on their own Dev server, (actually owned by another person,) on a even more updated system called, as logically expected, v3. Many original staff are debating their presence in the server and are considering leaving server, even Graal, for the same reason most people do; lack of time and other commitments.

v3 is now promising to fill in the gaps that v2 left behind and add even more. The staff however, as in past, think big, but don't always follow through.

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