News/2007: Difference between revisions

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(→‎[[News/2007|2007]]: Added an entry for June)
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== [[News/2007|2007]] ==
== [[News/2007|2007]] ==


Revision as of 07:58, 1 July 2007



  • July 24th - First step for economy fix on Era

Yesterday was the first of many changes. Flower shop bouquet making was removed for economical purposes. Although players might not be able to make money as fast with bouquets gone, but now it requires less physical labor to make money off of flower picking. Simply drop your flowers in groups of 10 in front of Marygold to receive your payment.

With the removal of bouquets, the staff team decided to raise the price in which the store will buy your flowers for. The following changes are listed below. (Note: this is per 10 flowers)

  • 10 mums - $2
  • 10 tulips - $5
  • 10 carnations - $6
  • 10 asters - $7
  • 10 sunflowers - $7
  • 10 roses - $8

Prices were chosen by the rarity of each type of flower throughout the gmap. Further job updates will be given to mining and shell digging.

  • July 20th - Visible amulets and shipyardrights on Kingdoms

Amulets visible.jpg

On Graal Kingdoms it's now possible to show off the amulet your wear. You can show/hide it like the cape by right-clicking it in the inventory and selecting the option. Show what you got, it'll look nice.

While doing that we also added support for masks to be hidden after a couple of players suggested that.

Now it is possible to protect the kingdom's shipyard even better. We added a new kingdomright called "S" - Shipyard. You will need this right now if you want to open or close the gate of the shipyard. So the leadership of the kingdom has a well knowledge about who can access the kingdom's ships.

  • July 17th - Blackjack tournement on Kingdoms

Today we had a big blackjack tournement on Graal Kingdoms which took almost 2 hours. After the pre-match Leon Xanadu won the grand final and gained a Ring of the Card Champions. He was followed by Lale Cruxis and Javalin.

  • July 14th - Graal v5 released!

As you may have noticed, the new Graal version 5 has been released. Many changes and new features are included in this version. If you are experiencing any bugs or wish to submit features that you would like to see, please log-in to the Graal forums and post in the v5 section here. Both Stephane and Stefan are working very hard to fix the handful of bugs that users are experiencing. Hope you enjoy!

  • July 10th - Graal v5 is near!
Features vista.jpg

An announcement has been made for the new Graal version 5 that includes many updates for both the Graal client and the website! A thread has been posted by Stephane detailing many of the features coming in this update. This thread may be found here. For more details on the features to come, check the Newsletter.


  • June 24th - Ol' West 100$ Contest

In an effort to promote Ol' West, the server has set up a contest worth 100$ (USD). For more information click on the following link. 100$ Ol West Challenge

  • June 9th - Kingdoms Fist Events

It is possible now to do fist-only battle events on Kingdoms. We have also fixed a problem with the escort quests.

  • June 8th - Classic Monthly Spar

The Classic monthly spar for June will take place this Saturday, June 9th at 7pm EST. Good luck to all those that enter. :D

  • June 7th - New Management

Valikorlia held a vote for the new manager. The results showed that Omake, an experienced staff member, won. He chose Setzer, another experienced staff member, as his co-manager. This update comes after, what players call, the failure of the previous manager.


  • May 26th - Zone Vehicle Events

On Zone the Events Team can now spawn hover bikes, mechs and speeders on any planet and so allow interesting battles and deathmatches.

  • May 22th - Era Updates

A new quest developed by our very own YenroY (with help from TSAdmin, Daz, Malicious, Armanno, Amsel, Chandler) has been released today! This ninja quest not only tests your physical endurance but your mental as well.

Tricks, traps, and baddies lurk behind each turn so be ready for the puzzle of your gaming career.

Era quezt3.jpg
  • May 13th - Era Updates

Era has released Core Electronics which sells the

  • BulldogCX (Ammo based pistol with dual wield)
  • CrizenLXR (Energy based rifle)
  • Core Handgun{Energy based pistol)
  • Artillery Cannon (Energy based cannon)

You will be able to buy these soon at Core Electronics.

Also Osiris Industries has been released which sells the

  • Deagle (Pistol with dual wield)
  • P90 (Submachine gun)
  • Famas (Rifle)
  • M4 (Rifle)

These guns are ready for buying whenever the shop is open.

The "Morano Family" has been deleted and changed into "Lethal Securities".

New Staff! Please welcome Spikekid(PR), Hatred(PR), Armanno(GAT), and Malicious(Dev)

  • May 12th - Zodiac Updates

The Zodiac staff are currently working on balancing the classes to make battles fair since there is now a level gap at 60.

  • May 6th - Zodiac Reset

Zodiac was taken down for two days to clear the server from abusable scripts and to update some systems. It is back now, everyone is starting from scratch and has a new chance to become a nation leader!

  • May 5th - Unholy Nation GS2

Unholy Nation finally switched to the new scripting engine, so being able to provide better content in the future. Most problems that occured because of that have already been fixed.


  • April 10th - Classic Egg Hunt Winner

Thor won the Classic Egg Hunt 2007 with an impressive 6666 eggs! As the winner he gained a Level 4 Bunny card for the new card game, 4 GC tickets, and his name down in the Hunting Hall Of Fame.

Congratulations to him, and thanks for everyone who took part.

  • April 8th - Kingdoms Easter Events

The egg hunt on Graal Kingdoms started! You can either digg for regular eggs and then catch the jumping egg using a net, and then go into Hotaru gift shop to get one of the rare easter items. Or you can try to find one of the special eggs which contain items like the demon shield or house renovation scrolls for expanding your house.

From time to time you will also see pink bunny lords invading the islands. The events team can now also hold special events where only certain weapons or magic are allowed.

Thanks to Stephen and Sayian for making the graphics for the new items!

  • April 8th - Zone Easter

Go the bunny in the dropship and get easter eggs (gives quite a lot of hitpoints) or buy a carrot dagger for stabbing your enemy! You will also see that some graphics have been slightly altered to match the easter look.


  • March 31th - Progress on Mythic Legends

The progress on Mythic is going forward, we have completed several major systems:

  • Movement
  • MUDlib
  • Shop
  • Inventory
  • Weather/Time

We're working on tiles, and at this point we have enough to be able to create a simple overworld as well as inside levels. We will soon have ganis for out custom bodies ready as well.

Expect more news in a near future!

  • March 30th - Classic Egg Hunt

It's that time of the year again, Easter is just around the corner, so it's Egg Hunting Season on Classic!

All of the bushes each have a chance to drop an Easter Egg. If an egg appears, (once you've touched it) it belongs to you. The one with the most Easter Eggs on Easter Sunday will receive a prize, ranging from a statue in the GC Studios, a hefty amount of tickets, or a starter for the new card game.

2005 was dominated by Stryker, 2006 was Wazza, who will be the champion this year? Lets wait and find out!

Classic egghunt2007.gif

  • March 29th - New N-Pulse Sparring Systems

The N-Pulse Automatic Spar Ranking System has been implemented! Go to the statue room above NP Spar to view the top ten sparrers on N-Pulse based on how well they performed in the MAIN ARENA OF NP SPAR. This system does NOT apply for anywhere EXCEPT THE MAIN ARENA OF NP SPAR. Come on over and spar your best to make it to the top of the list!

  • March 28th - New N-Pulse Sparring Systems

N-Pulse Spar has been updated with some new systems by Gambet. With it comes an accuracy checking system, that is completely original and new to classic sparring, along with a queue waiting system, and a consecutive spar winning counter. Soon to come will be a spar ranking system that should make everyone step it up a notch to make it to the top. N-Pulse welcomes all sparrers to come on by to spar and enjoy themselves.

  • March 25th - Zone New Clothes and Hair Styles

New clothes and hair styles were uploaded: 14 new hairs (not just recolors), 21 new bodies, and many new arms and legs graphics. Sayian made most of the graphics, although other people also helped with ideas and we plan to upload more graphics soon which include more hair styles and recolorations.

  • March 11th - Zone New Events

New Events have been added: Iricia can now host events which are restricted to certain weapons and guilds. There are also new possiblities for the other planets now. On the spar dropship the Events Team can now lock spar rooms and launch spars which will make it easier to host spar events and tournaments.

  • March 5th - Era Relased Taurus and M3!

Era tauro shotung-relase.PNG

Today 2 Guns where added to the Gunshop in unstick me! A Handgun "The Taurus" and a Shotgun "12 gauge Pump-Action(M3)"! Each day one of those will be stocked daily at the Gunshop.

  • March 3rd - Graal Kingdoms Spars & Kingdom Wars

The new fighting modifications have been enabled - the main improvements:

Kingdoms screenshot fighting.png

  • You are pushed back when being hit
  • Kingdom leaders (with 'K' right) can turn their kingdom island into battle ground where you don't lose items (see the kingdoms diplomacy tab)
  • Completely different fighting on battle grounds:
    • More classic-like hp damage: weapon damage, ac and wc still have influence, but much less than before, and it is much easier to hit other players
    • shields block attacks from the front
    • limited speed
    • shooting arrows is freezing longer but is also taking more hitpoints if being successful

The new hp system is only used for battle grounds - when fighting against monsters everything is the same like before.


  • February 25th - Zone Chainsaws

New item on zone: the chainsaw! You can win it in events and can use it for one hour to scare other players. We will hold several events for the chainsaw. Thanks to Sayian for drawing the chainsaw graphics!

Zone screenshot chainsaw.png

  • February 21st - Graal X Updates

Graal X has been deleted; placeholder We have finished editing 1/3 of the main city, and is now accessible by the players. The gate is opened from 7 AM - 7 PM. When closed, you can go on the right side to pay for entry (5 dollars). This new part of the city includes an entire -full-featured- checkers game (for tournaments), motel's, a garage for cars (which you can reserve a spot in), and several stores, including a bagels store, a restraunt, a gas station, a radio station, and a post office.

  • February 21st - Delteria Tournaments

There have been revisions to Delteria's tournament schedule, check out our Tournaments page for more information.

  • February 19th - Delteria Updates

Questing has been re-enabled on the public overworld, the overworld has been made smaller, and two new quests have been added. See for more details.

  • February 17th - Pixel Art Tournament 2007

Is pixeling your thing? Do you consider yourself a "pixel artist"? How does a free Graal subscription upgrade sound to you? Do you think you have what it takes to be the best of the best? If you answered yes to all these questions, check out the Graal Communication Forums for more information about the competition that is being hosted where you will go up against the best of Graal.

For more information, visit

  • February 14th - Graal Valentins Day

On several servers Graal players were receiving and giving presents to other players. On Graal Kingdoms events were hold where you could win love wands. On Zone the love rifle have been added which actually adds hitpoints when you shoot someone with it.

  • February 4th - Kingdoms Events Display

On Graal Kingdoms the events that are managed by the Events Team are now displayed directly on the game window, you just need to click on a button that is displayed on the top of the window to see the event info and join it.

  • February 3rd - Zone Freeze Tag

The Zone Events Team can now host Freeze Tag events where the goal is to shoot other players using the ice cannon. Once a player is frozen he/she will be warped out of the game.

The Events Team also got more commands to better control events, including a command to "soft ban" (prevent disturbing players from leaving dropships).


  • January 31st - Era relased Tommy Gun!

If you make your way to Era Mafia's capture point, you will find that we have released the Tommy Gun to be bought. You must stock your own and buy your own. It is not cheap (5k), but with the recent upgrades to it, it is worth it. The Tommy Gun takes Uzi ammo, so we have included Uzi Ammo to be buyable and stockable as well. The Tommy gun does 2 damage, and has a decent spread!!! =).

Era tommygun.png

  • January 21st - Graal Kingdoms Spring

Many players were participating in building snowmen - Grirahan won the snowmen building contest with 129 of them! The spring returned to Graal Kingdoms now, so the snow melted. Right now it is raining quite often, which is good for plants and farmers but players are hoping for more sun.

This sunday (28th) a Spring Celebration is planned on Dustari island.

  • January 14th - Graal Kingdoms Snowmen

You can build snowmen and get rare items when decorating them!
This is how it works:
- Use the shovel to dig a snowball
- Push the snowball a few times
- Medium snowballs can be picked up and put on the big snowballs, making a snowman
- Put items on the snowman to decorate it (carrot, coal, snow sticks, items dropped by elves)
- Once the snowman is fully clothed, you will get a gift box with some nice item in it. You will get up to 3 items, but you can build more snowmen.

Kingdoms screenshot snowman.png

  • January 12th - Graal v4.208

A new client version has been released for fixing a security problem with gani scripts and to improve the compatibility with Windows Vista by using an updated sound library.

See v4.208 Release notes.

  • January 2nd - Bomy Island

Bomy Island (known as Graal Bomy Lands, or Graal2001) is hardly working on the completion of itself. Ofcourse, the staffteam (built of 3 active workers), can't do all the work on their own, and some help is required. If anyone thinks he/she is good enough, please logon: Graal2001 Dev, and feel free to pm an Administrator to talk about a job.