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GScript is Graal's scripting language.
Its syntax and some of its semantics might seem familiar to those who program in C or derived languages, although it lacks some of the expressivity of a real programming language and has special constructs that make programming Graal NPCs easier.
GScript started as a very limited language and has since kept up with improvements to the game engine and can now be used for pretty sophisticated scripts that greatly customise the gaming experience.
It is used, with minor differences, for Clientside tasks like GUI programming, special effects with nifty 3d lighting and custom NPC Weapons or "engines", and Serverside systems like player housing, complex baddies or pets.
Old GScript has been replaced by a new version (dubbed GScript2 during development) that is rather advanced, in some way object oriented, and thanks to influence from Java and Torque's scripting language, less brain-damaged in some aspects. No offense intended.
GScript can be discussed in the GScript IRC channel.
In your scripting quest, you may find the following articles to be of use.
Script Functions
- Script Functions: Client (including info on GUI controls)
- Script Functions: NPC Server
- Script Functions: Graal 3D
IRC Functionality
- Graal IRC Scripting: Graal v4 IRC Scripting Reference
- Graal IRC Scripting: Troubleshooting Scripting Reference
New-Engine Specific
- Graal v4 Particle Engine
- GS1 To GS2: Guide for fixing scripts to work with the new engine
- GS2 Features: Effective ways to use classes
Following is the original and most basic documentation for new engine scripting.
Why scripts
Scripts bring life into objects and make it easy to customize the game. Instead of just placing a stone into your world, you can make it so that the stone can be lifted or kicked. Instead of being limited to some fixed player movement you can rescript it to let the player jump, strafe and duck. To let the player inspect and organize his/her items you can create some dialogs and display those by script, e.g. when the player presses a special key.
In Graal the scripting is done in 'Graal Script', it's looking like Java/C++, but brings some additional features for making things easier for game creators, while on the other hand running in a sandbox and limiting access to game-related stuff only.
Graal Script is almost fully compatible to the 'old' Graal script used in Graal v1.0 - 3.0, and is partially compatible to Torque script.
NPCs and 'weapons'
There are generally two types of objects in Graal which have scripts: The first type are the non-player-characters (NPCs). The name 'NPC' is actually used for all visible objects in the game: monsters, stones, bushes, houses, ships, plants etc. Scripts for npcs are most of the time containing code for moving the npc or for reacting to activities of the player, e.g. giving money to the player when he grabs the npc. The other type of script-holding objects are the 'weapons'. Those are items in the inventory of the player, not necessary being weapons. Most of the time they are actually just scripts which control the movement of the player, display weapon graphics, or display menus.
So there are objects in the game which have their own script, and players which have a set of scripts in their invisible backpack.
Server-side and client-side
Graal is an online game, and there are differences to standard scripting in offline games. In offline programs you have access to everything, anytime. In online games everything is divided into two parts: the server-side which controls most things in the game, and the client-side which displays the game to the player. Since the client only displays things, it is not possible to cheat by hacking the client. On client-side you mainly have code for displaying special effects, for displaying the GUI (windows, status bars, item menus), playing sound effects and music. Also the player movement is done on client-side. On the server-side scripts are used to do the more secure parts of the game engine, and things that are the same for all players - npcs are added, moved, npcs interact with players, the stats of the players are calculated, the communication between players is handled.
All scripts for npcs and weapons can contain server-side code and client-side code. The server-side code is executed directly on the server, the client-side code is sent to the client when he/she logins and executed separately for each player on their own computer. Usually the two parts of the script are divided by line that only contains "//#CLIENTSIDE", like this:
// Server-side part which is setting the image // of the npc when it is created function onCreated() { setimg("door.png"); } //#CLIENTSIDE // Here follows the client-side part, // which plays a sound effect when the player // touchs the npc function onPlayerTouchsme() { play("chest.wav"); }
In general scripts are made for reacting to events - when the npc is created then the script initializes the attributes of the npc, when the player says something then the npc is moving to the player, when the player grabs the npc then the npc is giving the player some money etc. So the script is basicly a collection of actions that are done when special events are happening. Events can e.g. be the "created" event when the npc is created, the "playertouchsme" event when the player touchs the npc, or the "playerchats" event when the player says something. To write code that reacts to one of those event, you define an event function like this:
function onEVENTNAME() { // actions }
When the event is happening, then Graal executes that scripting function and all commands you have added there. Sometimes the event gives some parameters to the event function, then change your function to:
function onEVENTNAME(parameter1, parameter2, ...) { // actions }
By accessing 'parameter1' etc. (you can name them differently) you can react to the event more exactly.
Instead of reacting to events, the npcs and weapons can also invoke new events. That way you can let other npcs doing things. You also need that if you want to coninuously doing things - use timeout events for that.
function onCreated() { setTimer(1); } function onTimeout() { // actions setTimer(1); }
In the onCreated event function the script is setting the timer to 1 second. When that second is over, then the "timeout" event is invoked on the npc and the onTimeout event function is executed. Because it is setting the timer to 1 second again, the onTimeout event will occur again after one second, and so on.
Compatibility note: In older Graal scripts you will also find the deprecated way of receiving events:
if (EVENTNAME) { // actions }
That is an if-command outside of any brackets. If Graal sees that you use such an if-command, then it will execute the whole script so that the actions you have written inside the if-command will be executed too.
Accessing variables
Graal Script variables are 'variant', that means they are objects that hold values of different types. When you assign a value to the variable then it automatically switches to the right type:
Numeric (floating point):
var = 1;
String (text):
var = "hello";
Object link:
var = player;
Array (list of objects):
var = {1,2,3};
You can check the current type with the type()-function - obj.type() returns 0,1,2,3 for numeric, string, object or array.
Addition a + b Substraction a - b Mulitplication a * b Division a / b Modulus a % b Power a ^ b String Concationation a @ b with space a SPC b with newline a NL b with tabulator a TAB b Bool-And a && b Bool-Or a || b Bool-Not !a Negative -a Equal a == b Not-Equal a != b Less a < b Greater a > b Less-Equal a <= b, a =< b Greater-Equal a >= b, a => b In-Range a in <b,c>, a in |b,c>, a in <b,c|, a in |b,c| In-Array a in {b,c,...}, {a,b,...} in {c,d,...} Bitwise-Or a | b Bitwise-And a & b Bitwise-Shift left a << b Bitwise-Shift right a >> b Bitwise-Invert ~a Bitwise-Xor a xor b (operator ^ already used for power) Array-Constructor {a,b,...} Empty Array new [count], new[countdim1][countdim2]... Array Member a[index] Function call a(), a(b,c,...) Object Attribute a.b, a.(b) Post Increment a++ Post Decrement a-- Pre Increment ++a Pre Decrement --a Old String Function #a Conditional a? b : c Assignment a = b, a := b Additive Assignment a += b Substractive Assignment a -= b Multiplicative Assignment a *= b Division Assignment a /= b Modulus Assignment a %= b Power Assignment a ^= b Bitwise-Or Assignment a |= b Bitwise-And Assignment a &= b Shift Left Assignment a <<= b Shift Right Assignment a >>= b String Append a @= b
Standard object functions
For a complete list of functions and attributes of objects see docu_graalscriptfunctions.txt. The base type of all objects is "TGraalVar". You can also get the latest list by calling the executale with "-listscriptfunctions" as command-line parameter.
<<Someone please give a good explination of what an object is and a brief example, as above, of any of these commands in use in its propper context>>
Here only some of the built-in functions:
obj.type() - gets the type of the var (float 0, string 1, object 2, array 3) obj.length() - string length obj.trim() - removes spaces from the front and back of a string obj.lower() - converts a string to lower case obj.upper() - converts a string to upper case obj.tokenize([delimiters]) obj.charat(pos) obj.pos(substring) obj.starts(string) obj.ends(string) obj.substring(index[,length]) obj.size() - array length obj.subarray(index[,length]) obj.addarray(obj2) obj.insertarray(index,obj2) obj.index(obj2) - position of obj2 in the array obj.clear() obj.add(obj2) obj.delete(index) obj.remove(obj2) obj.replace(index,obj2) obj.insert(index,obj2)
Standard functions
format(format,parameters,...) - formats a "%s %d" string, inserts the parameters, and returns a string int(a) abs(a) random(rangestart,rangeend) sin(a) cos(a) arctan(a) exp(a) log(base,a) min(a,b) max(a,b) getangle(delta x,delta y) getdir(delta x,delta y) - returns 0 for up, 1 for left, 2 for down, 3 for right vecx(direction) vecy(direction)
GUI controls
onAdd() when added to the parent onRemove() when removed from the parent onWake() when activated onSleep() when deactivated onResize(w,h) onMove(x,y) onMouseEnter(modifier,x,y,clickcount) onMouseLeave(modifier,x,y,clickcount) onMouseDown(modifier,x,y,clickcount) onMouseUp(modifier,x,y,clickcount) onMouseDragged(modifier,x,y,clickcount) onMouseMove(modifier,x,y,clickcount) onRightMouseDown(modifier,x,y,clickcount) onRightMouseUp(modifier,x,y,clickcount) onRightMouseDragged(modifier,x,y,clickcount) onMouseWheelUp(modifier,x,y,clickcount) onMouseWheelDown(modifier,x,y,clickcount) onKeyDown(keycode,string) onKeyUp(keycode,string) onKeyRepeat(keycode,string)
onReflow(w,h) when the text has changed onURL(url) when clicked on url onSelectTag(tagid) when clicked on an image Text-Tags: The text of multi-line text controls can contain a few HTML-tags and Torque-tags, you can use both of those tag types to define colors and fonts or to include images. Currently following tags are available: HTML: <a href=url> text </a> - when the user clicks on 'text' then a web browser is opened for the specified url <body bgcolor=colorname or #rrggbb> - sets the background color <br> - line break <center> text </center> - centers the contained text <font face=fontname size=textsize color=colorname or #rrggbb> text </font> - draws text with a special font, size and color; you only need to define one of those 3 attributes <ignorelinebreaks> </ignorelinebreaks> - go into normal HTML mode where you need to insert <br> to do a linebreak <img src=filename id=integer> - an image is displayed, you can also specify a tagid if you want to get onSelectTag-events for this image <p align=left/center/right> text </p> - sets the align of the contained text <span style="width=100; height=100;" id=integer> </span> - for displaying a subpage, you can also specifiy an id for onSelectTag-events; instead of <span> you can also use <div> tags Torque: <a:url> text </a> - when the user clicks on 'text' then a web browser is opened for the specified url <bitmap:filename> - an image is displayed <color:rrggbb> - sets the color of the text (hexadecimal value) <lmargin:pixels> - sets the left margin for the text <lmargin%:percent> - sets the size of the left margin depending on the width of the whole control <linkcolor:rrggbb> - sets the color of links (the <a>-tag) <linkcolorhl:rrggbb> - sets the highlighted color, when the user moves the mouse over a link <just:left/center/right> - sets the align of the following text <rmargin:pixels> - sets the right margin for the text <rmargin%:percent> - sets the size of the right margin depending on the width of the whole control <sbreak> - line break <spush> - switches to a new style (like <font>) <spop> - switches back to the last saved style (like </font>) <tab:tab1,tab2,..> - sets the position of where tabulators should be displayed if you have text like 'Apple \t Egg \t Chicken' <tag:id> - inserts an invisible tag which can be used for the scrollToTag(id) function (beside image-tags)
onTabComplete() onAction(text) when return key pressed
onSelect(id,text) when row selected onDblClick(id) when double-click on row or return key pressed onDeleteKey(id) when delete key pressed onIconResized(w,h) when setIconSize() called onOpenMenu(0,index,text) when an item was right-clicked
onSelect(id,text) when menu option choosen onCancel() when menu is closed without action onOpenMenu(0,index,text) when an item was right-clicked
onMenuSelect(menuid,menutext) onMenuItemSelect(menuid,menutext,itemid,itemtext)
onSelect(id,rightmouse) when row selected onUnselect(id) when row de-selected onInspect(id) when clicked on the name of an item onOpenMenu(0,index,text) when an item was right-clicked onContextMenu("x y",id) when clicked with right-mouse key on row
Old script compatibility
Removed functionality
- toinventory - followplayer - playersays() - setbackpal
Supported old scripting commands and their mapping to new script
addstring oldstring, oldstring; list.add(string); addtiledef oldstring, oldstring, float; addtiledef(string,string,float); addtiledef2 oldstring, oldstring, float, float; addtiledef2(string,string,float,float); attachplayertoobj float, float; attachplayertoobj(float,float); blockagain; blockagain(); blockagainlocal; blockagainlocal(); callnpc float, oldstring; callnpc(float,string); callweapon float, oldstring; callweapon(float,string); canbecarried; canbecarried(); canbepulled; canbepulled(); canbepushed; canbepushed(); cannotbecarried; cannotbecarried(); cannotbepulled; cannotbepulled(); cannotbepushed; cannotbepushed(); canwarp; canwarp(); canwarp2; canwarp2(); carryobject oldstring; carryobject(string); changeimgcolors float, float, float, float, float; changeimgcolors(float,float,float,float,float); changeimgmode float, float; changeimgmode(float,float); changeimgpart float, float, float, float, float; changeimgpart(float,float,float,float,float); changeimgvis float, float; changeimgvis(float,float); changeimgzoom float, float; changeimgzoom(float,float); deletestring oldstring, float; deletestring(string,float); destroy; destroy(); detachplayer; detachplayer(); disabledefmovement; disabledefmovement(); disablemap; disablemap(); disablepause; disablepause(); disableselectweapons; disableselectweapons(); disableweapons; disableweapons(); dontblock; dontblock(); dontblocklocal; dontblocklocal(); drawaslight; drawaslight(); drawoverplayer; drawoverplayer(); drawunderplayer; drawunderplayer(); enabledefmovement; enabledefmovement(); enablefeatures float; enablefeatures(float); enablemap; enablemap(); enablepause; enablepause(); enableselectweapons; enableselectweapons(); enableweapons; enableweapons(); explodebomb float; explodebomb(float); followplayer; followplayer(); freezeplayer float; freezeplayer(float); freezeplayer2; freezeplayer2(); hide; hide(); hideimg float; hideimg(float); hideimgs float, float; hideimgs(float,float); hidelocal; hidelocal(); hitcompu float, float, float, float; hitcompu(float,float,float,float); hitnpc float, float, float, float; hitnpc(float,float,float,float); hitobjects float, float, float; hitobjects(float,float,float); hideplayer float; hideplayer(float); hidesword float; hidesword(float); hitplayer float, float, float, float; hitplayer(float,float,float,float); hurt float; hurt(float); insertstring oldstring, float, oldstring; insertstring(string,float,string); join oldstring; join(string); lay oldstring; lay(string); lay2 oldstring, float, float; lay2(string,float,float); loadmap oldstring; loadmap(string); message oldstring; message(string); move float, float, float, float; move(float,float,float,float); noplayerkilling; noplayerkilling(); openurl oldstring; openurl(string); openurl2 oldstring, float, float; openurl2(string,float,float); play oldstring; play(string); play2 oldstring, float, float, float; play2(string,float,float,float); playlooped oldstring; playlooped(string); putbomb float, float, float; putbomb(float,float,float); putcomp oldstring, float, float; putcomp(string,float,float); putexplosion float, float, float; putexplosion(float,float,float); putexplosion2 float, float, float, float; putexplosion2(float,float,float,float); puthorse oldstring, float, float; puthorse(string,float,float); putleaps float, float, float; putleaps(float,float,float); putnewcomp oldstring, float, float, oldstring, float; putnewcomp(string,float,float,string,float); putnpc oldstring, oldstring, float, float; putnpc(string,string,float,float); putnpc2 float, float, oldstring; putnpc2(float,float,string); reflectarrow float; reflectarrow(float); removearrow float; removearrow(float); removebomb float; removebomb(float); removecompus; removecompus(); removeexplo float; removeexplo(float); removehorse float; removehorse(float); rmeoveitem float; removeitem(float) removestring oldstring, oldstring; removestring(string,string); removetiledefs oldstring; removetiledefs(string); replaceani oldstring, oldstring; replaceani(string,string); replacestring oldstring, float, oldstring; replacestring(string,float,string); resetfocus; resetfocus(); savelog oldstring; savelog(string); savelog2 oldstring, oldstring; savelog2(string,string); say float; say(float); say2 oldstring; say2(string); sendrpgmessage oldstring; sendrpgmessage(string); sendpm oldstring; sendpm(string); sendtonc oldstring; sendtonc(string); sendtorc oldstring; sendtorc(string); serverwarp oldstring; serverwarp(string); set oldstring; set(string); setani oldstring, oldstring; setani(string,string); setarray float, float; setarray(var,float); setbeltcolor oldstring; setbeltcolor(string); setbow oldstring; setbow(string); setcharani oldstring, oldstring; setcharani(string,string); setchargender oldstring; setchargender(string); setcharprop oldstring, oldstring; string = string; setcoatcolor oldstring; setcoatcolor(string); setcoloreffect float, float, float, float; setcoloreffect(float,float,float,float); setcursor float; setcursor(float); setcurcor2 oldstring; setcursor2(string); seteffect float, float, float, float; seteffect(float,float,float,float); seteffectmode float; seteffectmode(float); setfocus float, float; setfocus(float,float); setgender oldstring; setgender(string); sethead oldstring; sethead(string); setlevel oldstring; setlevel(string); setlevel2 oldstring, float, float; setlevel2(string,float,float); setmap oldstring, oldstring, float, float; setmap(string,string,float,float); setminimap oldstring, oldstring, float, float; setminimap(string,string,float,float); setmusicvolume float, float; setmusicvolume(float,float); setimg oldstring; setimg(string); setimgpart oldstring, float, float, float, float; setimgpart(string,float,float,float,float); setletters oldstring; setletters(string); setplayerdir oldstring; setplayerdir(string); setplayerprop oldstring, oldstring; string = string; setpm oldstring; setpm(string); setshape float, float, float; setshape(float,float,float); setshape2 float, float, float; setshape2(float,float,float); setshield oldstring, float; setshield(string,float); setshoecolor oldstring; setshoecolor(string); setshootparams oldstring; setshootparams(string); setskincolor oldstring; setskincolor(string); setsleevecolor oldstring; setsleevecolor(string); setstring oldstring, oldstring; setstring(string,string); setsword oldstring, float; setsword(string,float); seturllevel oldstring; seturllevel(string); setz float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float; setz(float,float,float,float,float,float,float,float); setzoomeffect float; setzoomeffect(float); shoot float, float, float, float, float, float, oldstring, oldstring; shoot(float,float,float,float,float,float,string,string); shootarrow float; shootarrow(float); shootball; shootball(); shootfireball float; shootfireball(float); shootfireblast float; shootfireblast(float); shootnuke float; shootnuke(float); show; show(); showani float, float, float, float, oldstring; showani(float,float,float,float,string); showani2 float, float, float, float, float, oldstring; showani2(float,float,float,float,float,string); showcharacter; showcharacter(); showfile oldstring; showfile(string); showimg float, oldstring, float, float; showimg(float,string,float,float); showimg2 float, oldstring, float, float, float; showimg2(float,string,float,float,float); showlocal; showlocal(); showpoly float, float; showpoly(float,array); showpoly2 float, float; showpoly2(float,array); showstats float; showstats(float); showtext float, float, float, oldstring, oldstring, oldstring; showtext(float,float,float,string,string,string); showtext2 float, float, float, float, oldstring, oldstring, oldstring; showtext2(float,float,float,float,string,string,string); sleep float; sleep(float); spyfire float, float; spyfire(float,float); stopmidi; stopmidi(); stopsound oldstring; stopsound(string); take oldstring; take(string); take2 float; take2(float); takehorse float; takehorse(float); takeplayercarry; takeplayercarry(); takeplayerhorse; takeplayerhorse(); throwcarry; throwcarry(); timereverywhere; timereverywhere(); timershow; timershow(); toinventory oldstring; toinventory(string); tokenize oldstring; tokens = string.tokenize(); tokenize2 oldstring, oldstring; tokens = string.tokenize(" ," @ string); toweapons oldstring; toweapons(string); triggeraction float, float, oldstring, oldstring; triggeraction(float,float,string,string); unfreezeplayer; unfreezeplayer(); unset oldstring; unset(string); updateboard float, float, float, float; updateboard(float,float,float,float); updateterrain; updateterrain(); wraptext float, oldstring, oldstring; tokens = wraptext(float," ," @ string,string); wraptext2 float, float, oldstring, oldstring; tokens = wraptext2(float,float," ," @ string,string);
Supported old string operations
These old string operators can be used in string parameters for the old commands, also you can use them directly as operators, e.g. #c = "hello" is actually doing = "hello" #a player.account #a(float) players[float].account #m player.ani ani #m(float) players[float].ani #K(float) char(float) #8 player.bodyimg bodyimg #8(float) players[float].bodyimg #c chat #c(float) players[float].chat #C0 player.colors[0] colors[0] #C0(float) players[float].colors[0] #C1 player.colors[1] colors[1] #C1(float) players[float].colors[1] #C2 player.colors[2] colors[2] #C2(float) players[float].colors[2] #C3 player.colors[3] colors[3] #C3(float) players[float].colors[3] #C4 player.colors[4] colors[4] #C4(float) players[float].colors[4] #C5 player.colors[5] colors[5] #C5(float) players[float].colors[5] #D downloadfile() #E emoticonchar() #e(float,float,oldstring) string.substring(float,float) #g player.guild guild #g(float) players[float].guild #3 player.headimg headimg #3(float) players[float].headimg #5 player.horseimg horseimg #5(float) players[float].horseimg #k(float) keyname(float) #L player.level #I(oldstring,float) getstring(string)[float] #n player.nick nick #n(float) players[float].nick #f image #f(float) npcs[float].image #F level #p(float) params[float] #P(float) player.attr[float] attr[float] #P(float_1,float_2) players[float_2].attr[float_1] #P1 player.attr[1] attr[1] #P1(float) players[float].attr[1] #P2 player.attr[2] attr[2] #P2(float) players[float].attr[2] #P3 player.attr[3] attr[3] #P3(float) players[float].attr[3] #P4 player.attr[4] attr[4] #P4(float) players[float].attr[4] #P5 player.attr[5] attr[5] #P5(float) players[float].attr[5] #P6 player.attr[6] attr[6] #P6(float) players[float].attr[6] #P7 player.attr[7] attr[7] #P7(float) players[float].attr[7] #P8 player.attr[8] attr[8] #P8(float) players[float].attr[8] #P9 player.attr[9] attr[9] #P9(float) players[float].attr[9] #R(oldstring) string.random() #2 player.shieldimg shieldimg #2(float) players[float].shieldimg #s(oldstring) getstring(string) #1 player.swordimg swordimg #1(float) players[float].swordimg #S player.sword.script #t(float) tokens[float] #T(oldstring) string.trim() #v(float) float #W player.weapon.image #W(float) weapons[float].image #w #w(float) weapons[float].name
Compatibility note: When you use the command setcharprop then the first parameter is handled differently: instead of changing '' it is changing 'chat', the chat text of the npc. So 'setcharprop #c,hello' would be translated into chat = "hello" while 'setplayerprop #c,hello' is translated into = "hello" In the list above both possibilities are listed.