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Kriegzone is back!
Kriegzone is back!

Revision as of 21:42, 22 September 2008



  • September 29th - Kriegszone is back

Come now to see the new updates:

  • Guns
  • Biz's
  • Gangs
  • Cars
  • New ways to make cash!

Come check it out.

Were hiring all staff - Nats, Gfxers, ganiers, Level makers! Log on Kriegzone now and check it out!

  • September 28th - Vivitron Needs Your Help

Vivitron is in a bit of trouble and is in need for your help. We/I am looking for some dedicated players to make this server the server we can plan on making it. We are in need of basically all dev. staff. Instructions for applying is in the server pm on vivitrion so log in and check us out. Vivitronneedsyou.png

Thankyou, WildFire(Owner)

  • September 22nd - World Of Swords Is Hiring

World Of Swords is a Classic-style playerworld and is in a bit of trouble. We need dedicated players to make this the great server that it can be. We currently need:

2 NATs, 1 GATs, 2 Gani-ers ,2 LATs

Contact us: [email protected] Worldofswords.JPG

  • September 21st - Zone Bunker


Coming Soon!

  • September 17th - Silence is hiring again


Silence, the RPG/Fantasy themed server, is hiring some more people to complete the Team! Actually, we'r hiring: -Skilled Scripters ! You must be able to develop systems that fits with Silence's theme We may hire one or two scripters for this task. -Grapics ! We still need some graphics help, to make Silence quite like an enjoyable world still going trough Silence's theme. If you feel like helping us, don't hesitate to send us some of your work !

In order to apply, contact one of the online RCs or send an email describin your personality, why you'd like to help Silence, and especially HOW ! Silence's mailbox: [email protected]

Have fun, enjoy graal aslong as possible, and be happy !

  • September 14th - And the winner is...

Screenshot tombola.png

... devilsknite1 ! Sunday evening the tombola (raffle event) for the Wii game console was hold on Kingdoms. Everyone who bought tombola cards was automatically taking part, no matter if being online or not. Everyone got a 3 letter number and the number of the winner was revealed by three rolling balls with numbers on them. Sorry for everyone who didn't win, but may be there will be another event like this in the future since it was quite successful.

  • September 13th - Mythic Legends - House Building Frenzy!

Greetings Graalians! We've reached a tiring task on Mythic, one that includes filling roughly 50 levels with houses and misc. buildings of all kinds, and we could use some help.

You don't have to be a skilled LAT for it, as long as you know how to design somewhat realistic houses. Heck, you don't even have to learn to navigate the tileset, since we can provide levels with already existing houses that you can copy/paste the tiles you need from.

Are you the one we're looking for? Catch me, Ziro (xXziroXx), online or contact me on AIM (irxzirox) or MSN ([email protected])! Have a continued nice day! :)

  • September 13th - Dev dignapod22- Needs Help

Dev Dignapod22 is hiring. Dev Dignapod22 (going to be called evntually Carnage City) is a modern day city located near a major shipping port dealing with international trade. But be careful because around that docks and around town things aren't what they should be. This is no peaceful town. We Need For Staff 2 NATs, 3 GATs, 2 Gani Editors, 1 or 2 Level Editor, A Good Graphics Team of at least 2 or 3. Contact Us At:[email protected]

  • September 9th - Card Tombola this weekend

This is the last week where you can get a tombola card and win a Wii! In the last two months when purchasing trading cards you were also receiving tombola cards. This weekend we will do the "tombola" (raffle) and choose one of the players to get a Wii game console, sponsored by the payment provider Ticket-Surf.

  • September 8th - Zone - Iricia restored!

Big news: Iricia has been restored to its original state! Many players have requested this to happen.

  • September 1st - Zone - New Map for Iricia!


A new map for Iricia was added on Zone, it displays your enemies and all captured bases with their locations. You can press M to toggle the map, or click on it to close.

  • September 1st - Ages - Needs You!

Ages is a playerworld and is in a bit of a rut. We need dedicated players to make this the great server that it can be. We currently need:

2 NATs, 3 GATs, 2 Gani-ers, 1 Manager (must know one person to fill each of the previous slots)

Contact us: [email protected]

Ages help.png

Kriegzone is back! We did a full sever reset!

Come now all new updates!- -Guns -Biz's -Gangs -Cars -New ways to make cash! -ALOT MORE! Come check it out.

Were hiring all staff -Nats,Gfxers,ganiers,Level makers!

Log on kriegzone now and check it out!