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The '''server options''' are a collection of key=value configuration options that allow you to customize the non-[[GScript|script]]able behaviour of an individual [[Playerworld]].

Viper's Graal Issues.
== Usage ==

Hello everyone, as of late, many people have been attacking me on the issues and matters, trying to lie about things, bend the truth, and downright spin to make me and others of my cause look bad, in this text document i will discuss and lay to rest the issues that matter.
Options are usually set only by high [[Playerworld]] staff, preferably only the [[Playerworld]] owner, as they are very powerful and can be abused easily.

I have been involved graal for over three years now, and i used to really like Graal and its admins alot, then slowly after about a year Graal and its admins went in a bad downward spiral, i still stuck with graal in hopes graal would pull itself out of this hole and unixmad would go back to the right path, this however did not happen, instead unixmad and even stefan went fouler and lower than i could have imageined, First with fireing Pachuka and Fuitad, two of the BEST graal admins ever in my view for no other reason than disagreeing with his future plans, then if just fireing them was not bad enough, he threatend to sue them and kill they're families, this was so wrong and bad Fuitad even said he would punch unixmad in the face for saying that if he met him in real life, but that was just the beginning of the downward spiral unixmad foolishly invoked onto graal, he then blatantly STOLE a domain name from Owl Shimy which costed over 30$ US Dollars, and never gave it back to him and never paid him for the cost of the domain, he also threatend to sue Owl Shimy and kill his family although it was Unixmad which stole the domain from Owl Shimy, then around Graal1.3.1 he blocked off Gservers officially and threatend to sue anyone that ran the former Gservers, although they were released as "Freeware" and actually used to encourage people to use the Gservers, this was a blatant attempt to monopolise , threaten, and intemidate that players that actually helped graal and supported him, he then made claims he copyrighted "Graal" and would contact so called "Lawres" about anyone that used the name "Graal" or had "Graal Files" on there websites, although graal was distributed as "Freeware" or "Shareware" and had no official software copyrights related to it, and that the name "Graal" was actually the name of a holy sacred golden cup used in some religion, and in that he has commited blasphemy against whatever religion has the so called "Holy Graal", then later on Unixmad fired SuperNick, because of his country and his origion and called him an American Asian slut, this was the first sign of racism on the part of Unixmad, towards Graal1.4.1 Unixmad was secretly unwrapping his sadistic plans, he then started claiming credit and claiming to own the copyrights to graal, although unixmad has done nothing but host some stupid weak as servers, and yet Stefan Knorr has done all the real work for Graal, and was the one to make ZeldaOnline , GraalOnline in the first place and has written every bit of codeing for the Graal Client , Gserver, RC, ect, yet unixmad the worthless pile of trash that he is steals all credit for Graal, then in February 2001, Unixmad and Antago release Graal2001 and the start of the "Pay to Play" system, now i have no problem with the fact that it is pay to play, the issue is when you PAY for something you actually expect to get the worth while of your money in this product, but instead they got a shittily made level generated land that was 99% empty, the NPCs were and are laggy as hell, and there were no quests, and there is only two shitty things today for hearts that suck so much i refuse to even call them quests, and to add to that about 40% of everyone that paid and gave unixmad there credit card number NEVER got the accounts they paid 27$ or more for, and those that did clearly got chumped out by a cheap peice of crap that aint worth paying for, it sucked so badly that most people played on Graal Classic still, even those that foolishly paid for pay to play accounts, and in an attempt to "FORCE" people to pay for a shitty product they do not want against they're will Unixmad hired "Tyhm" to deface and ruin GraalClassic in an attempt to make it buggier and less fun than even Graal2001, about this time i was disgusted with unixmad and most of the other admins and decided to downright turn against Graal and for the most part stop playing the peice of crap in general. People starting getting angry, complaining, asking for help, and asking for refunds, of coarse unixmad gave noone a cash refund, and simply deleted and banned "PAID ACCOUNTS" of those who complained, asked for help, or asked for a refund these are PAYING CUSTOMERS, they have the rights of basic service that they PAID for, unixmad promises pay to play players a quality product and customer service, but instead gives them a grade F product and ripps off his customers and delete they're accounts that they PAID HIM money for, his excuse? Credit card fraud, when infact at least 90% of the people he bans for credit card fraud pay legitamately with there OWN credit cards or pay via paypal by check, and yet Unixmad has stolen and used others credit card numbers to buy things for himself on several occassions, he also claims he needs pay to play money to keep graal alive and running, yet there has been evidence that he makes at least 90% profit out of the monies he gets, and that he uses illegal porn ad banners and illegal cookie style web tracking and giveing email adresses of the players and even phone numbers of every player to spam and telemarketting companies without there permission, he even keeps personal player info, includeing email, adress, and phone number on unsecure servers which have already been leaked out, such info about people should not be on a public webserver accessable to the internet in anyway, then after all that Unixmad starts banning african american people, asians, koreans, and or people with images of people of that race from the Graal2001 forums and graal itself, yet again they are paying customers and this is another sickening act of racism on the part of Unixmad and GraalOnline, and then even more disgusting is what Stefan posts on the Graal2001 forums, he makes several anti american, racist, pro terrorist, pro nazi, and pro taliban comments on that post and goes on and on several pages bashing americans, this post was offense, obcene, and disgusting to many people includeing myself . If all that does not make you sick to your stomache or dislike unixmad yet, i am far from done, then Unixmad proceeds to illegally DDOS webservers of mafukie and make threats to him over the phone, and has phone assaulted me over 40 times a day between midnight and 5am, and has made threats to sue dozens of people, kill there families, and shut down innocent websites and servers, while hosting illegal stuff and doing illegal things himself with the use of his own servers, stuff which includes child porn, bestiality porn, DVD Piracy, DDOS Attacks, theft of copyrighted materials from gameing companies such as nintendo, Credit Card fraud, theft, spamming, phone harrassment, useage of illegal pirated corperate softwares, all this just to start the list of what Unixmad, Stefan, and they're servers are doing 24/7 for nearly 4 years now , anyone that likes unixmad or thinks he is a good person even after all this is clearly a fool, everything in this document is the truth and why i hate unixmad so much, if you like unixmad after all these sickening things he does, then you are no better than a KKK or Neo Nazi member and should go kill yourselfs, i do not tolerate facists, racists, or nazis, they are all bad people, and unixmad is one of the worst of the worst, and no person with any morales could tolerate or support such a person like Stephane Portha or Stefan Knorr. The people that spin, lie and bend the truth in support of unixmad will always exist, but i will always reveal the truth about unixmad, and EVERYTHING said in this document is true, despite what any assclowns try and say about this, and this supriseingly enough is only 1% of the bad things Unixmad has done, how some people even tolerate, none the less support such a bad person is beyond me... I fight against bad people like unixmad, why? Because unlike many others in this world i actually care about other people, and i will do everything in my power to stop unixmad from hurting graal or its innocent players, many say i want to destroy and kill graal, this is NOT true, i used to love graal, i only wish to stop unixmad's evil sadistic illegal actions and restore graal to the great game it used to be when it was "for the players, by the players" , but if i have to destroy GraalOnline in exchange to stop unixmad's tyranny, it will be regreteable, but sometimes some sacrifices have to be made for the greater good, lets just hope that unixmad drops dead and that sacrifice never has to be made... I love graal and lots of its players, and i wish to someday restore it to the grandness it once had, but bad people like unixmad must be gotten rid of if that is to be achieved...'''
When you omit an option, its value will not be changed if the option has been used before. Therefore, it is more secure to change only the value and not whole option, should you need to change something.
Lines beginning with # are not parsed, and can be used for comments.
A full list of server options commands can be found [ here].
== Known Server Options ==
Please add new options if you discover them.
=== Start location ===
  startlevel=level name
This sets the originating location for all [[Player]]s which do not have location statistics of their own saved [[Local|locally]].
=== Unstick me location ===
  unstickmelevel=level name
These define the position that a [[Player]] is warped to after using the [[Unstick me]] command.
=== Unstick Time ===
This option sets the amount of time a player has to be idle before they can use the unstick me command.
=== Protected Weapons ===
  protectedweapons=list of comma seperated weapon names
[[NPC weapon]]s that cannot be deleted by the [[Player]]. This differs from weapons with asterisk prefixed name which cannot be deleted with the Del key, but still can be deleted on the [[Clientside]] using the [[Old GScript:destroy|destroy]] command. `Protected' weapons can (unless *ified) be deleted with Del, but the NPC server will not remove them from the player's weapon list and thus the [[Serverside]] part will remain and the player obtains them again on the next connect.
=== Jail Levels ===
  jaillevels=level names comma separated
Non-[[Playerworld staff|staff]] players in these levels will not be able to leave them. A [[Serverside]] [[Old GScript:setlevel2|setlevel2]] or warping with [[RC]] is neccessary. Also, they can send [[PM]]s only to RC clients and not regular [[Client]]s.
, ,
=== Explosion Restriction ===
Disables the result of [[Old GScript:putexplosion|putexplosion]], and `explosive' [[NPC weapons]].
=== Statistic Restriction ===
Whether the chat commands to change the player's [[Appearance commands|appearance]] are enabled. Defaults to true.
=== Gralat Loss Options ===
Defines the amount of [[Gralat]]s that the player drops on death.
=== Staff Gralat Restriction ===
Whether normal [[RC]]s can change the gralat count of a player. `Normal' used to be defined as `below [[Adminlevel]] 4', but nowadays is probably regulated by certain high-level [[Admin right]]s.
=== Local 'Staff Guilds' ===
  staffguilds=comma seperated list of guild names
Matches to these [[Guild]] names appear in the `Staff' section of the playerlist.
=== `Bush' Items ===
Selects whether [[Bush]]es contain [[Item]]s. May not work on a [[GMap]].
=== `Baddy' Items ===
Selects whether [[Baddy|baddies]] drop [[Item]]s once killed.
=== `Healing' Swords ===
Selects whether is possible to have a negative [[Sword]] power and thus add [[Heart]]s to those hit by the sword.
=== Non-script timeouts ===
Timeout in seconds for respawn times for [[Bush]]es, [[Horse]]s and [[Baddy|Baddies]]
=== Server Scripting Flags ===
Selects whether [[GScript|scripts]] can add new [[Server flag]]s or only modify existing ones.
=== Server Maps ===
Default serverwide [[Map]]s. Syntax resembles [[Old GScript:setmap|setmap]] and [[Old GScript:setminimap|setminimap]] [[GScript]] commands.
=== Warping (All Players) ===
Whether all [[Player]]s can use the [[Warpto]] command, and whether [[Global]] [[Admin level]] 1 allows warpto.
=== Warping Activation ===
Allows or disallows the default [[Warpto]] command for all [[staff]], including [[Global]]s. This is normally enabled.
Note that warpto=false will show a "(warping is disabled)" error message to [[Player]], whereas ignorewarpto=true will treat [[Warpto]] commands as just normal chat text and display no error message.
The latter is good for replacing the default [[Warpto]] command with a scripted version.
=== Ghost Mode ===
Selects whether all [[Player]]s appear as [[Ghost]], or only non-[[Playerworld staff|staff]] players, or nobody.
=== Playerlist Icons ===
  playerlisticons=comma seperated list of statusses
Possible status list, [[Player]]s can select one of them in the [[Players list]]. There must be a [[Downloadable]] file plisticonNAME.png available in a folder specified as `file' in [[Folder configuration]].
=== Profile Variables ===
  profilevars=comma seperated list of profile variables
Selects what is to be displayed in a [[Player]]'s profile. The default variables are: playerkills, playerdeaths, playerfullhearts, playerrating, playerap, playerrupees, playerswordpower, canspin, largely modelled after [[Old GScript]]. Custom string variables can be added in the format `name=stringname'. If name is not specified, stringname is used.
=== Trial Account Limits ===
Selects whether to disable adding of [[Bomb]]s, [[Arrow]]s, and [[Explosion]]s for [[Trial account]]s.
=== AP System Activation ===
Whether the [[AP]] system is enabled. If yes, there are some restrictions for [[Player]]s with low AP regarding hearts.
=== Starting AP ===
How much [[AP]] [[Player]]s are given upon first login to this [[Playerworld]].
=== Global Guilds Activation ===
Allows or disallows [[Guild]] from the [[Global]] database. This is normally enabled.
This option limits what guilds can be used from the [[Global Guilds]] database. (Note: globalguilds= needs to be set to false so other guilds besides the allowed can not be used.
=== AP Timeouts ===
Time (in seconds) it takes to recharge one point of [[AP]] when the AP is currently below 20, 40, 60, 80 and 100 respectively. The defaults are 30, 90, 300, 600 and 1200.
=== Heart/Sword Limits ===
The maximum amount of fullhearts and swordpower that is allowed.
=== 'putnpc' Scripting Command ===
Whether the [[Old GScript:putnpc|putnpc]] command is enabled. (Mostly [[Deprecated]])
=== Language Selection ===
  translatedlanguages=comma seperated list of language domains, like de,...
The languages of which a [[Translation system|translation]] file shall be loaded by the server. If a file exists, signs and _() text will be replaced with values from the translation file for this language. See [[Creation/Dev/Releases/Client/5.006#Translation_System|Graal v5 release notes]] for more.
=== Server Language ===
  serverlanguage=language domain
The default [[Translation system|language]] of the [[Playerworld]]. Defaults to English.
=== Default Language ===
  defaultlanguage=language domain
The default [[Translation system|language]] of the [[Playerworld]]. Defaults to English. Players see text in this language if their language is not in ''translatedlanguages''.
=== NPC-Server 'Sleep' ===
Whether the [[NPC Server]] must execute [[GScript|scripts]] even when no [[Player]] is around.
=== Tilesets ===
  newtilesetlevels=comma seperated list of levels
Whether all [[level]]s will use the new [[tileset]] layout, or a match list of levels that shall. This will influence collision behavior (onwall script function, serverside [[Creation/Dev/Script/Client/TProjectile|projectile]] hit detection, etc.) on server-side only.
You can specify just the start of the level name if you want to include a lot of levels at once (newtilesetlevels=myquest will switch on new tileset onwall behavior on server-side for myquest1.nw, myquest2.nw etc.).
=== Staff ===
  staff=comma separated list of account names or community names
The [[Account]]s in this list will count as [[Playerworld staff]] as if their admin level was > 0. Their [[PM|mass messages]] override the option to ignore mass messages, their [[Admin rights]] will be applied, and if their [[IP address range]] matches their actual IP address, they may log in to [[RC]]. The ip-range will automatically be set to match their current ip / computer id once they login for the first time.
=== GMAP List ===
  gmaps=comma seperated list of gmap files, without .gmap extension
The  server will attempt to load these as [[GMap]]s. As this line might get rather crowded, it is possible to have multiple gmaps= lines.
=== Weapon Order ===
  weaponorder=comma seperated list of weapon names
Specifies the order in which the [[NPC weapon]] [[GScript|scripts]] will be sent to the [[Clientside|client]] upon connection. This can be used to ensure that the inventory script that disables the [[Q menu]] will be sent first, for example. First, all weapons in this list will be sent in order, then all unlisted weapons.
=== NPC-Control Rights ===
Whether [[NC rights]] are active. For security reasons, it is strongly recommended to set this to true.
=== Kill Count ===
Selects whether the variables 'playerkills' and 'playerdeaths' can be changed [[serverside]] via [[GScript]].
=== NPC-Server Nickname ===
The [[NPC Server]] will use this as its [[Nick name]], with (Server) appended. Ignores all [[Guild]] tags.
=== Speedhack Tolerance ===
This gives the percentage of data packages that [[Clientside|clients]] may send above the expected over without being logged as [[Trainer users]]. On [[Graal Kingdoms]], the rather conservative setting of 90 is used. If you set this too low, your server will crash.
=== Idle Disconnect ===
Selects whether [[Idle]] [[Player]]s are automatically disconnected. (Possibly deprecated).
=== Save Levels ===
Setting this to true allows changes to the [[Tile]]s of [[Level]]s to be saved to the actual level files from [[GScript|scripting]] commands, so it is possible to persistently change the levels.
Specifies if saving of levels should be reported on the RC chat (by default enabled).
=== Only Staff ===
=== Log script function calls ===
  scriptlogfunctions=write player.nick,write player.guild,call sendtonc,call sendtorc
This lets the npcserver log script activity into logs/scriptfunctionslog.txt. You
can get a list of available functons / actions by typing ''/listscriptlogfunctions''
on RC chat. Currently only important or exploitable things can be logged. Keep care
to delete the logs from time to time.
=== Log script errors to file ===
When enabled, all script errors (e.g. missing server-side script functions) will be logged into logs/scripterrors.txt instead of RC chat.
=== Level Auto-Save ===
Whether or not updateboard2 changes are saved to the level file automatically (by default true). Works only if 'savelevels' is enabled as well.
=== Sending Player Attributes ===
  sendtoallattr=comma seperated list of attribute numbers
Specifies which player attributes (#P/player.attr[]) are to be sent to all players on the server (instead of only to people who see you).
*Set the server options sendtoallattr=1,2,3 for sending attributes 1, 2 and 3 to all players.
*When #P1/attr[1] is changing then it is also invoking the event onPlayerChanges(player,id) like when the head is changing.
=== Optimized NPC Storage ===
Whether or not to use the optimized storage for NPCs placed via putnpc2.
If this option is set, NPCs with this.savelocally = true; will use the optimized NPC storage.  This is recommended for NPCs that do not need to be loaded when the server is started up or do not need to be sitting in memory all of the time.
=== DBNPCs Protection ===
Whether or not NPCs displayed in the NPC list in RC should be protected from being destroy()ed. Default is "true". This option has been added because they were previously not protected and some servers might prefer to be able to destroy them by script. This option doesn't affect NPCs created with the script command putnpc2() which are are still destroy()able.
=== Send NPC output to RCs ===
Sends output of NPCs (echo() command) to everyone instead of only to people with NPC rights.
=== SQLite Databases ===
Allows several SQLite database files to be opened or closed with specified names and filenames for use the the requestsql2 function.
=== Player Syncing ===
Define the radius (in tiles) at which players are synced to the screen. This is used for GMAPs to reduce players from being drawn outside of the specified radius. By default, it is being drawn at 192x192.
=== Default Logging ===
Toggles whether or not the default gralat log will be used when a player picks up a gralat on the server.
=== Player Z Axis ===
Disables player's z-axis on the server. Locks player.z to undefined and does not allow any type of alteration. Any value of z outside of |-50, 170| is considered undefined.
=== Hideplayer ===
Script command hideplayer(float) will no longer be working unless the player is under a bush.
=== Player Triggers ===
Prevents triggeraction from triggering other players. By default on server triggers and mouse clicks, they are being processed by the server first, otherwise being processed by the player.
=== Item Drops ===
Examples for list are (greenrupee,bluerupee,goldrupee,darts,bombs,heart,etc).
These will define which items will be dropped from the specified event.
When itemdropevents is enabled, each time an item is dropped (like heart, goldrupee, etc) it will send the event to Control-NPC as onItemDrop(level,x,y,itemname).
=== Item Spawn Percentages ===
The value of these options are from 0 to 100, being a percentage at which the specified item will drop from a bush or death.
=== Horses ===
This option allows or pevents script command puthorse() from being executed on the server.
=== RC Mass PM ===
this option allows or prevents RC-Masses to override "ignore masses" when the Admin sending the Mass from RC is off-Staff Tag
=== Putbomb Filter ===
  bomballowedtypes=all or comma separated text of bomb power (e.g. 1,2,3)
  bombfilterlog=true/false - logs to logs/bombfilter.txt
=== Showimg/Ani Filter ===
  showimgstypes=all or ani,img,text
  showimgsallowedganis=all or comma separated ganis (e.g. idle,walk,sit)
  showimgsallowedimages=all or comma separated images (e.g. block.png,block2.png)
  showimgsfilterlog=true - logs to logs/showimgsfilter.txt

Latest revision as of 09:56, 25 March 2015

The server options are a collection of key=value configuration options that allow you to customize the non-scriptable behaviour of an individual Playerworld.


Options are usually set only by high Playerworld staff, preferably only the Playerworld owner, as they are very powerful and can be abused easily.

When you omit an option, its value will not be changed if the option has been used before. Therefore, it is more secure to change only the value and not whole option, should you need to change something.

Lines beginning with # are not parsed, and can be used for comments.

A full list of server options commands can be found here.

Known Server Options

Please add new options if you discover them.

Start location

 startlevel=level name

This sets the originating location for all Players which do not have location statistics of their own saved locally.

Unstick me location

 unstickmelevel=level name

These define the position that a Player is warped to after using the Unstick me command.

Unstick Time


This option sets the amount of time a player has to be idle before they can use the unstick me command.

Protected Weapons

 protectedweapons=list of comma seperated weapon names

NPC weapons that cannot be deleted by the Player. This differs from weapons with asterisk prefixed name which cannot be deleted with the Del key, but still can be deleted on the Clientside using the destroy command. `Protected' weapons can (unless *ified) be deleted with Del, but the NPC server will not remove them from the player's weapon list and thus the Serverside part will remain and the player obtains them again on the next connect.

Jail Levels

 jaillevels=level names comma separated

Non-staff players in these levels will not be able to leave them. A Serverside setlevel2 or warping with RC is neccessary. Also, they can send PMs only to RC clients and not regular Clients. , ,

Explosion Restriction


Disables the result of putexplosion, and `explosive' NPC weapons.

Statistic Restriction


Whether the chat commands to change the player's appearance are enabled. Defaults to true.

Gralat Loss Options


Defines the amount of Gralats that the player drops on death.

Staff Gralat Restriction


Whether normal RCs can change the gralat count of a player. `Normal' used to be defined as `below Adminlevel 4', but nowadays is probably regulated by certain high-level Admin rights.

Local 'Staff Guilds'

 staffguilds=comma seperated list of guild names

Matches to these Guild names appear in the `Staff' section of the playerlist.

`Bush' Items


Selects whether Bushes contain Items. May not work on a GMap.

`Baddy' Items


Selects whether baddies drop Items once killed.

`Healing' Swords


Selects whether is possible to have a negative Sword power and thus add Hearts to those hit by the sword.

Non-script timeouts


Timeout in seconds for respawn times for Bushes, Horses and Baddies

Server Scripting Flags


Selects whether scripts can add new Server flags or only modify existing ones.

Server Maps


Default serverwide Maps. Syntax resembles setmap and setminimap GScript commands.

Warping (All Players)


Whether all Players can use the Warpto command, and whether Global Admin level 1 allows warpto.

Warping Activation


Allows or disallows the default Warpto command for all staff, including Globals. This is normally enabled.

Note that warpto=false will show a "(warping is disabled)" error message to Player, whereas ignorewarpto=true will treat Warpto commands as just normal chat text and display no error message.

The latter is good for replacing the default Warpto command with a scripted version.

Ghost Mode


Selects whether all Players appear as Ghost, or only non-staff players, or nobody.

Playerlist Icons

 playerlisticons=comma seperated list of statusses

Possible status list, Players can select one of them in the Players list. There must be a Downloadable file plisticonNAME.png available in a folder specified as `file' in Folder configuration.

Profile Variables

 profilevars=comma seperated list of profile variables

Selects what is to be displayed in a Player's profile. The default variables are: playerkills, playerdeaths, playerfullhearts, playerrating, playerap, playerrupees, playerswordpower, canspin, largely modelled after Old GScript. Custom string variables can be added in the format `name=stringname'. If name is not specified, stringname is used.

Trial Account Limits


Selects whether to disable adding of Bombs, Arrows, and Explosions for Trial accounts.

AP System Activation


Whether the AP system is enabled. If yes, there are some restrictions for Players with low AP regarding hearts.

Starting AP


How much AP Players are given upon first login to this Playerworld.

Global Guilds Activation


Allows or disallows Guild from the Global database. This is normally enabled.


This option limits what guilds can be used from the Global Guilds database. (Note: globalguilds= needs to be set to false so other guilds besides the allowed can not be used.

AP Timeouts


Time (in seconds) it takes to recharge one point of AP when the AP is currently below 20, 40, 60, 80 and 100 respectively. The defaults are 30, 90, 300, 600 and 1200.

Heart/Sword Limits


The maximum amount of fullhearts and swordpower that is allowed.

'putnpc' Scripting Command


Whether the putnpc command is enabled. (Mostly Deprecated)

Language Selection

 translatedlanguages=comma seperated list of language domains, like de,...

The languages of which a translation file shall be loaded by the server. If a file exists, signs and _() text will be replaced with values from the translation file for this language. See Graal v5 release notes for more.

Server Language

 serverlanguage=language domain

The default language of the Playerworld. Defaults to English.

Default Language

 defaultlanguage=language domain

The default language of the Playerworld. Defaults to English. Players see text in this language if their language is not in translatedlanguages.

NPC-Server 'Sleep'


Whether the NPC Server must execute scripts even when no Player is around.


 newtilesetlevels=comma seperated list of levels

Whether all levels will use the new tileset layout, or a match list of levels that shall. This will influence collision behavior (onwall script function, serverside projectile hit detection, etc.) on server-side only.

You can specify just the start of the level name if you want to include a lot of levels at once (newtilesetlevels=myquest will switch on new tileset onwall behavior on server-side for myquest1.nw, myquest2.nw etc.).


 staff=comma separated list of account names or community names

The Accounts in this list will count as Playerworld staff as if their admin level was > 0. Their mass messages override the option to ignore mass messages, their Admin rights will be applied, and if their IP address range matches their actual IP address, they may log in to RC. The ip-range will automatically be set to match their current ip / computer id once they login for the first time.


 gmaps=comma seperated list of gmap files, without .gmap extension

The server will attempt to load these as GMaps. As this line might get rather crowded, it is possible to have multiple gmaps= lines.

Weapon Order

 weaponorder=comma seperated list of weapon names

Specifies the order in which the NPC weapon scripts will be sent to the client upon connection. This can be used to ensure that the inventory script that disables the Q menu will be sent first, for example. First, all weapons in this list will be sent in order, then all unlisted weapons.

NPC-Control Rights


Whether NC rights are active. For security reasons, it is strongly recommended to set this to true.

Kill Count


Selects whether the variables 'playerkills' and 'playerdeaths' can be changed serverside via GScript.

NPC-Server Nickname


The NPC Server will use this as its Nick name, with (Server) appended. Ignores all Guild tags.

Speedhack Tolerance


This gives the percentage of data packages that clients may send above the expected over without being logged as Trainer users. On Graal Kingdoms, the rather conservative setting of 90 is used. If you set this too low, your server will crash.

Idle Disconnect


Selects whether Idle Players are automatically disconnected. (Possibly deprecated).

Save Levels


Setting this to true allows changes to the Tiles of Levels to be saved to the actual level files from scripting commands, so it is possible to persistently change the levels.


Specifies if saving of levels should be reported on the RC chat (by default enabled).

Only Staff


Log script function calls

 scriptlogfunctions=write player.nick,write player.guild,call sendtonc,call sendtorc

This lets the npcserver log script activity into logs/scriptfunctionslog.txt. You can get a list of available functons / actions by typing /listscriptlogfunctions on RC chat. Currently only important or exploitable things can be logged. Keep care to delete the logs from time to time.

Log script errors to file


When enabled, all script errors (e.g. missing server-side script functions) will be logged into logs/scripterrors.txt instead of RC chat.

Level Auto-Save


Whether or not updateboard2 changes are saved to the level file automatically (by default true). Works only if 'savelevels' is enabled as well.

Sending Player Attributes

 sendtoallattr=comma seperated list of attribute numbers

Specifies which player attributes (#P/player.attr[]) are to be sent to all players on the server (instead of only to people who see you).

  • Set the server options sendtoallattr=1,2,3 for sending attributes 1, 2 and 3 to all players.
  • When #P1/attr[1] is changing then it is also invoking the event onPlayerChanges(player,id) like when the head is changing.

Optimized NPC Storage


Whether or not to use the optimized storage for NPCs placed via putnpc2. If this option is set, NPCs with this.savelocally = true; will use the optimized NPC storage. This is recommended for NPCs that do not need to be loaded when the server is started up or do not need to be sitting in memory all of the time.

DBNPCs Protection


Whether or not NPCs displayed in the NPC list in RC should be protected from being destroy()ed. Default is "true". This option has been added because they were previously not protected and some servers might prefer to be able to destroy them by script. This option doesn't affect NPCs created with the script command putnpc2() which are are still destroy()able.

Send NPC output to RCs


Sends output of NPCs (echo() command) to everyone instead of only to people with NPC rights.

SQLite Databases


Allows several SQLite database files to be opened or closed with specified names and filenames for use the the requestsql2 function. Source:

Player Syncing


Define the radius (in tiles) at which players are synced to the screen. This is used for GMAPs to reduce players from being drawn outside of the specified radius. By default, it is being drawn at 192x192.

Default Logging


Toggles whether or not the default gralat log will be used when a player picks up a gralat on the server.

Player Z Axis


Disables player's z-axis on the server. Locks player.z to undefined and does not allow any type of alteration. Any value of z outside of |-50, 170| is considered undefined.



Script command hideplayer(float) will no longer be working unless the player is under a bush.

Player Triggers


Prevents triggeraction from triggering other players. By default on server triggers and mouse clicks, they are being processed by the server first, otherwise being processed by the player.

Item Drops


Examples for list are (greenrupee,bluerupee,goldrupee,darts,bombs,heart,etc). These will define which items will be dropped from the specified event.


When itemdropevents is enabled, each time an item is dropped (like heart, goldrupee, etc) it will send the event to Control-NPC as onItemDrop(level,x,y,itemname).

Item Spawn Percentages


The value of these options are from 0 to 100, being a percentage at which the specified item will drop from a bush or death.



This option allows or pevents script command puthorse() from being executed on the server.

RC Mass PM


this option allows or prevents RC-Masses to override "ignore masses" when the Admin sending the Mass from RC is off-Staff Tag

Putbomb Filter

 bomballowedtypes=all or comma separated text of bomb power (e.g. 1,2,3)
 bombfilterlog=true/false - logs to logs/bombfilter.txt

Showimg/Ani Filter

 showimgstypes=all or ani,img,text
 showimgsallowedganis=all or comma separated ganis (e.g. idle,walk,sit)
 showimgsallowedimages=all or comma separated images (e.g. block.png,block2.png)
 showimgsfilterlog=true - logs to logs/showimgsfilter.txt