Creation/Dev/Script/Client/GuiControlProfile: Difference between revisions

From Graal Bible
m (Fixed typos and added some clarification)
(Added text shadow attributes)
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     opaque - boolean - if set to true, transparency will be ignored
     opaque - boolean - if set to true, transparency will be ignored
     returntab - boolean
     returntab - boolean
    shadowcolor - {red,green,blue} - specifies the color of the shadow (use in combination with textshadow=true)
    shadowoffset - array of format {offsetx,offsety} - specifies the position of the shadow (use in combination with textshadow=true)
     soundbuttondown - string - filename of sound played when the control is clicked
     soundbuttondown - string - filename of sound played when the control is clicked
     soundbuttonover - string - filename of sound played when the mouse is hovered over the control
     soundbuttonover - string - filename of sound played when the mouse is hovered over the control
     tab - boolean
     tab - boolean
     textoffset - string
     textoffset - string
    textshadow - boolean - enables or disables the shadow
     transparency - float - alpha transparency of the control (from 0 to 1)
     transparency - float - alpha transparency of the control (from 0 to 1)

Revision as of 16:15, 17 September 2006

  GuiControlProfile (TGraalVar):
    align - string - "left", "center" or "right"
    autosizeheight - boolean
    autosizewidth - boolean
    bitmap - string - filename of the image template, ie: "guiblue_window.png"
    border - integer
    bordercolor - string - default border color of the control ("RR GG BB" format)
    bordercolorhl - string - border color when the control is active ("RR GG BB" format)
    bordercolorna - string - border color when the control is disabled ("RR GG BB" format)
    borderthickness - integer - size of the border (in pixels?)
    cankeyfocus - boolean - can this control steal key focus? (textboxes must have this set to true)
    cursorcolor - string - color of the cursor (caret) in a text box ("RR GG BB" format)
    fillcolor - string - default background color ("RR GG BB" format)
    fillcolorhl - string - background color when active ("RR GG BB" format)
    fillcolorna - string - background color when disabled ("RR GG BB" format)
    fontcolor - string - default font color ("RR GG BB" format)
    fontcolorhl - string - font color when highlighted ("RR GG BB" format)
    fontcolorna - string - font color when disabled ("RR GG BB" format)
    fontcolorsel - string - font color of selected text (in a textbox)
    fontcolorlink - string - default font color of links ("RR GG BB" format)
    fontcolorlinkhl - string - font color of links when active ("RR GG BB" format)
    fontsize - integer - size of the font (in points?)
    fontstyle - string - combination of font styles, ie: "bc"
    fonttype - string - type of font to use, ie: "Tempus Sans ITC"
    justify - string - the same like "align"
    linespacing - integer - space between lines (in pixels?)
    modal - boolean - is this a modal dialog? (is the only window that can be used while it is open, steals all input.  Like a Message Box in Windows)
    mouseoverselected - boolean - does putting your mouse over this control act as if it was clicked?
    numbersonly - boolean - can only numbers be entered in this control?
    opaque - boolean - if set to true, transparency will be ignored
    returntab - boolean
    shadowcolor - {red,green,blue} - specifies the color of the shadow (use in combination with textshadow=true)
    shadowoffset - array of format {offsetx,offsety} - specifies the position of the shadow (use in combination with textshadow=true)
    soundbuttondown - string - filename of sound played when the control is clicked
    soundbuttonover - string - filename of sound played when the mouse is hovered over the control
    tab - boolean
    textoffset - string
    textshadow - boolean - enables or disables the shadow
    transparency - float - alpha transparency of the control (from 0 to 1)