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#REDIRECT [[User:P2p Sir Link]]
Kevin Azite, the semi-self-proclaimed Graalian semi-super-hero, has been a member of the Graal Online community for an extensive number of years, with his roots dating back to 2000.
== Community ==
He is a known pest, more or less, on the [[Graal Communication Center]], as well as the Classic server. He is an individual whom you either love or hate for is "zany antics" (a phrase which shall never be uttered hereon in the presence of the said individual), and his rebellious, headstrong attitude (once again, more or less).
== Staff Positions ==
* Sparitoria: Kevin's first official staff position on Graal. He quickly ascended the ranks from NAT, to NAT Captain, NAT Admin, Co-Manager, and finally Manager. The server was in most desperate need of help. Kevin was the current manager when the server had reached Hosted status. He silently and mysteriously slipped out of sight one day, but since became Manager of Spartoria once again. Nonetheless, Sparitoria was forever crippled by his first departure, in combination with Smirt (the Co-Owner of Spartoria) and NaS (Staff Admin, one step ahead of Kevin) leaving as well.
* Dark Nations: Kevin was the Co-Manager at the time of Dark Nations reaching the hosted tab (for the third time), while an inactive manager knew nothing of the server’s accomplishment. Things ran fairly smoothly, but then one day, after a feud with Lucavi (who rocks your socks, by the way), Kevin left Dark Nations for good to begin working on a server of his own, where he claimed the top dog position of Owner.
*Abyssal: Kevin's current project, a server developing very slowly, due to a number of lazy GraalOnline staff. It was sold to him in an unusable state, and continued to be in this predicament for two months, although only one of those two months was given back. It is currently awaiting the activation of GScript2, but as before, no response was recieved. It has lost over three months of the six purchased, and the upper authorities refuse to give the time back.
*Classic: Kevin's super-duper-ownage-talent made him the first non-GC LAT scripter to be hired post NPC-Server. He resigned from his position after a mere two weeks for unclear reasons, and currently runs around Classic informing all who get in his way (in addition to those who don’t) to "smd", and "stfu newb."
== Super-Heroism ==
From owning newbies and oldbies alike, to making grown men cry, Kevin Azite certainly has his share of extraordinary, and even more super, powers, which he uses for both good and bad (mostly bad, because he’s cool like that). Because of this, of course, he is definitely a super-hero. Or super-villain. Whatever. Shut up.
His most-definitely-awesome super-powers include, but are not limited to:
* the ability to own anyone who may try to take him down
* being a legendary member of the Azite family (and yes, this is, in itself, a super-power)
* the ability to kick ultra ass
* the ability to supremely own Master Storm, manager of Classic (but in ‘’no way’’ taking over his place over the server, keep that in mind!)
* the ability to make his friends make mini-biographies for him
* the ability to pull off pranks of pure ownage on whomever he pleases (especially Sting Darkmane and his band of crazy vampires)
== Accounts ==
* yooooyyyoo: Kevin’s first account, created before the time of P2P. It was never upgraded, as the password was lost along with his AOL subscription.
* Mark Sir Link: His first P2P account, purchased 3 hours before p2p_Sir_Link. It no longer has any Gold status remaining, but it is used for the occasional prank.
* p2p_Sir_Link: Currently his primary account, used as a tool of prankdom on the Graal Communication Center. Its Gold time expires soon, so please, feel free to click the link in Kevin's forum signature to help him re-upgrade!
No, really. Do it.
* StingLovesKOK: Intended to be an account for the single purpose of PKing Sting Darkmane (account abspilsbury2), the current leader of the guild Ventrue. It quickly finds itself being jailed constantly, for one reason or another.
* Dumbkid36: Another of Kevin’s trial accounts, also used for random pranking.
* Kevin_Azite: Another account Kevin would very much like to upgrade, so be sure to send some money his way!
''Thanks go to Kevin's good friend Vincent Atari for putting this page together for him.''

Latest revision as of 14:06, 27 July 2006

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