
From Graal Bible
This article is biographical in nature and is intended to provide information about a player of Graal. It is likely to have been written by the player himself or another player, so expect some degree of bias. If you have something to add then please feel free to contribute it, but try to keep all content fair and do your best to ensure that your additions are not offensive or unreasonable. If you wish to discuss opinions about this player, use this player's Talk page.

Googi is a long time player of the game Graal, and has mainly played three servers, originally N-Pulse, then moving to Graal2001, and now Graal Kingdoms

Googi and N-Pulse

The first server that Googi played extensively was N-Pulse. Googi was largely a player killer on this server. After some time playing, Googi joined a guild known as the Dragon Knights, and rose to the rank of Squire, and later became part of an exclusive "PKer" rank. When new guild regulations required that all guilds to be endorsed by a number of players with Pay to Play accounts, Googi purchased one for this purpose, which also gave Googi access to Graal2001.

Googi and Graal2001

Googi as a Human

As a Graal2001 player, Googi was a strong advocate of owner-tags being placed on rocks that were part of the mining job, the criminalization of rock stealing, and of anti-scamming features being added to the Graal2001 marketplace.

After upgrading, Googi spent more time on Graal 2001 and less on N-Pulse. In an attempt to expand the Dragon Knights guild, Googi was promoted to the recruiting rank of Baron, after which point Googi played Graal2001 nearly exclusively. The abbreviation of the Baron rank, Br, being present in Googi's name put a large number of people under the impression that Googi was Brazillian. For a few months, Googi was dedicated to the cause of recruiting new Dragon Knights on Graal2001, and even once attempted to get the guild Kingdom status. However, the guild collapsed around January 2002, and Googi abandon all ties with it.

Soon after Dragon Knights collapsed, Googi became a member of the Graal2001 Events Team, and also joined the Zormite kingdom as a guard, just in time for the Emperor of the day, Zack, to be removed from power and replaced by Toad. Toad promoted Googi to the position of Head Guard, a position Googi maintained during the rule of many Emperors.

Googi as a Bomy

Shortly after becoming Head Guard of Zormite, Googi underwent an account reset and restarted Graal2001 playing as a Bomy. Despite Bomys being unable to mine, Googi continued to lobby for changes to the mining system.

Most of Googi's tenure as Head Guard of Zormite was served as a Bomy. Googi dedicated a great deal of time and power as head guard to retrieving the crowns of Dustari from the bandit guild Karakaze Troupe, who Googi held a grudge against because of their involvement in both rock stealing and scamming. When Brad became Emperor of Zormite (for a second time), the position of Head Guard was abolished and Googi was made a Royal Guard. Soon after Googi defected to Dustari, which was shortly after destroyed by Karakaze Troupe. Googi was left kingdomless.

While a Bomy, Googi also became a FAQ, largely because Googi had created an extensive Graal2001 help website, and was promoted to FAQ chief when Jeff became manager of the server. At this point, however, Graal2001 was largely innactive and Googi soon relinquished the position to Chris, believing that Chris was more competent. Googi attempted to create scripts to help revive Graal2001 but only one, which created varying types of pearls in the Pearl Diving job. All others were failures due to Googi's lack of scripting skill, especially when it comes to online scripting. Not giving up hope on a Graal2001 revival, but giving up hope on being able to be part of that revival, Googi switched to mainly playing Graal Kingdoms, known also as Graal2002.

Googi and Graal 2002

Googi began playing Graal2002 from time to time after it was released, but mostly played Graal2001 up until Graal2001 collapsed. Now playing Graal2002 more often, Googi has acquired a house on Samurai Island as well as an impressive collection of speed boosting equipment. Googi's high speed has even caused accusations that Googi is speed hacking.

Googi and the Forums

Googi is an active member of the Graal Communication Center, and, over the years, has accumulated enough posts to have the third highest post count in all of Graal, exceeded only by Kaimetsu, in 1st, and Kamuii, in 2nd. Googi also has the highest postcount among people who have never held a moderation position on the forums.

Googi initially used the forums as a means to recruit for the Dragon Knights guild, and to advocate for marketplace and mining reforms, but used them mainly for socializing. Today Googi uses the forums exclusively for socializing.


Once in a blue moon, Googi will show up on Aol Instant Messenger under the nickname "GoogiAIM". However, it would be more expedient to contact Googi either through a PM on the Graal Communication Center or by E-Mailing Googi at [email protected]